Chapter 8

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On the Waverider Three months ago.....

"Gideon call Oliver!" Sara yelled at the AI

"Calling Oliver Queen."

"Hey Sara I Can't really talk right now, we have a bit of a situation."

"OLIVER WHAT THE HELL! I Leave for less than a week AND YOU LOSE HER?!"

"Sara we have it under control felicity is scanning the city as we speak. I Will not let this Savage man get away with our girl."

"She's just a kid Oliver she won't survive long out there. Savage doesn't play around."

"Sara she is not just a kid anymore. You may have only been gone for six months but in that time she has really grown up. In fact in training it's getting hard for me to keep up with her. We taught her well and we are doing everything we can." Oliver could tell Sara was not going to believe him not matter what he told her.

"Ollie I'm going to find her and I'm going to get her back with or without your help."

"Sara I-"

Sara hung up before he had a chance to give her an answer. Immediately she began to pack her suit. 'If Oliver Isn't going to help me i need to find someone who will.'"Gideon where was Nessa's last know location?"

"Savage's Manor in Star City 2018. I must advise you to be cautious Miss Lance, your future self is present in this time. Interacting with her can have catastrophic consequences."

"Thanks Gideon, and don't tell Rip where I am this is my fight."

"I will try my best."

Savage's Manor Later that Day

Sara sat in a tree just outside the Manor. To be honest she felt kind of stupid as she sat on a branch trying to scout for any entry point she could find. She then noticed a balcony with glass doors on the west side of the residence. "Let's hope I still remember how to pick locks..." she muttered to herself. She jumped from the branch grabbing on to a ledge close by. Pulling herself onto the balcony she peered through the window to check if the coast was clear. 'Come on Lance think. Where would Savage keep a hostage?' She proceeded down the hallway trying to find any lock doors. Nearing the last door at the end of the hallway she heard the screams of what sounded like the younger Lance. Immediately Sara burst into the room only to be met with Savage tossing Vanessa into a breach. Sara ran towards the dimensional opening only to have it close at the last minute. All Sara could feel was the pain of her body hitting the hardwood. Sara groaned as she pushed herself off the floor. She turned to face Savage who had a smug grin plastered on his face.

"YOU SAID ONE HOUR SAVAGE!" Sara yelled all she got in response was a laugh.

"If your friend had stayed put then we wouldn't be in this mess. She was becoming a bit of an inconvenience and, I do not like to see my men abused in their workplace."

"WHERE IS SHE SAVAGE!" Sara had to fight the tears that were starting form.

"Nowhere of your concern Miss Lance. But given her injuries she only has a few hours anyways."

A thick green fog began to consume Savage. Sara began to charge at him but only managed to run straight through the fog.


Present Day

Sara lay in bed hearing her alarm go off. Slowly she got out of bed and began getting ready for the day. Much had happened since that day. After weeks of searching Sara began to realize what Savage had said could be true. "But given her injuries she only has a few hours anyways." Slowly that became the reality. Eventually Sara had returned to the Waverider. Rip had named her Captain when he left and slowly she learned to move on. Weeks became into months and soon it had been almost a year since the incident. She managed to forgive Oliver for what he had done. They buried an empty casket at the Queen's Manor right next to Tommy. Sara, Oliver, Barry Felicity, everyone took it hard. Sara more than the others. Back when Vanessa was a kid her, Tommy, Sara, Laurel, Oliver, and Thea would play in the very yard where they laid. It was a simpler time then.


Going to take more time with the chapters to make em better. :)

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