Chapter 13 (part 1)

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"Lance, conference room. Now."

Vanessa curiously looked up at the director rather confused. Alex's tone was unusually cold. The girl didn't wait two seconds to get to her feet, following closely behind the director.

"What's up Director?"

"When are you leaving for earth one?"

Suddenly the brunette felt the need to stand up straight. "Umm well this evening Director, after my shift."

"How long are you planning on staying?"

"Um Alex wha-"

"Answer the questions Lance."

"Three weeks for now. I'm using my Vacation days, and Brainy gave me a power dampening bracelet until we can really test my powers and see what is going on with them."

"What abou Kara? Are you planning on leaving her?"

"What.. Alex of course not but I-"

"But nothing. You hurt her I put a kryptonite bullet through your head. Got that?"

"Yes ma'am." Vanessa replied slightly terrified of her friend.

"Good then finish up and I'll see you soon."

"Ummmmm....right Danvers."

Alex moved to give her a hug. Although at first she was stilled paralyzed with fear, she quickly reciprocated hugging the director tightly.

"Take care of her for me?"

"Ha! Who do you think has been doing it since she landed?"

"Yeah yeah."


Brainy sat in the training room getting ready to open the breach. Kara sat in her suit on a box, arms hanging over Vanessa's shoulder. Vanessa has her arms around Kara's waist.

Kara sighed looking into her girlfriend's eyes. "So, you know I don't expect you to call me everyday but..."

"Updates I know, especially in our line of work." Vanessa smiled

"Be safe."

"Yeah, you more than me Kar, although something tells me that you are fully capable of handling yourself." Vanessa nuzzled her nose in Kara's neck, pulling her as close as humanly possible. Kara's legs immediately wrapped around Vanessa's waist. They stayed like that for a minute before Brainy started to complain.

"Well I hope this isn't going to take all day I have much important work to attend to." The Intelect stood staring at the couple, only to receive a laugh as a response.

Kara then pulled Nes into a quick but passionate kiss, letting it linger ever so slightly.

"See you soon."

The blonde whispered just loud enough for Vanessa to hear.

"See you soon."

"Alright Brainy let's send me home."

"Affirmative, I wish you safe travels agent."

Brainy opened the breach in front of the girl. With one final look back she walked through the breach falling back into the place where she grew up.

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