Chapter 4

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A few months later..:

"Hello?" Sara called walking into the Arrow Cave looking for Laurel.

"Sara?" Quinten said looking up from his computer.

"Hey dad where is everyone I tried calling and no one answered. I even went to Laurel's she isn't there. Where is everyone?" She remarked while giving her father a hug.

"Damien Darhk he was in prison but he escaped." Tears began to form in his eyes. Coulds of sadness began to consume the man as he remembered what had happened. Sara could tell something was wrong beginning to tear up as well imagining the worst.

"Daddy you're scaring me." Sara said her voice cracking in the process trying to ignore the lump forming in her throat.

"Your sister she went to help and well.." Quinten could almost see the moment when Sara completely broke. He attempted to hug her while Sara struggled to break free of his embrace, eventually losing the battle and collapsing in her tears.

A few moments later Sara came to a realization. "Nessa." She muttered and wiped the tears from her cheeks looking up at her father. "Daddy where is nessa?" She asked slightly worried something might have happened to her younger sister as well.

"She's fine baby, well if you call being cold and distant fine. She hasn't been the same since.... well since Laurel."

"Where is she?"

"She lives at Laurel's now. Since she's not here and the team doesn't have any missions right now I imagine she would either be at the apartment or at SCPD, she's a detective now as her day job. A damn good one too."

"Okay thanks daddy I'll see you soon. I just... I need to find her."

20 minuets later...

Still having a spare key Sara opened the door. "NESSA! NESSA, WHERE ARE YOU?" Sara yelled into what seemed like an empty apartment. There was no response. By the time she left and went to SCPD she would miss Vanessa. Sara decided to wait for her younger sister to come back home.

30 minuets later....

Vanessa noticed that the door to her apartment was unlocked. Her cop sense was tingling. She slowly reached for her holster and grabbed her gun, opening the door slowly, she pointed the gun at the alleged intruder only to find Sara staring right back at her. At that point she didn't know whether to shoot, yell, or cry. Tears begin to fill her eyes. She stood there pointing the gun at Sara, she could feel herself almost break.

Sara stood seeing the anger in the younger Lance's eyes. She stood at gunpoint with her hands in the air, not wanting to upset her or make her do something she might regret. "Hey nessa." She said calmly searching her eyes for any signs of the young girl she once knew.

"You left." Was all the Vanessa could choke out. "You said you would come back and you left."


"No. stop. The least you can do is hear what I have to say. I had to watch Darhk pierce an arrow through Laurel's chest. I had to watch helplessly as she died in front of me even after the doctors said she would be okay. God damn it, I had to pick up the pieces after Uncle Quinten left everything in his life to become a drunken mess again." Not knowing She was now yelling at Sara. The younger girl paused for a second, and then continued in a more composed tone. "I had to deal with all of it myself. So no Sara you don't get to say anything. You know why? Because I know you are going to ask if I'm okay, and the answer is no I'm not okay. Do you even know what day it is?"

Sara looked at the young girl that stood before her, and everything just clicked. It was her birthday, and she was right. All Sara managed to say was "I'm sorry." She said beginning to choke back tears.

Although she was angry, she knew Sara meant it. Slowly her muscles lost all the tension she was holding. She realized the girl probably just found out about Laurel or she would have come home. Slowly Vanessa walked towards Sara dropping her backpack on the floor and pulling her into a tight hug. Sara began to cry in her arms. Vanessa held her tight and whispered, "I'm sorry too."

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