Chapter 8: Love Hate

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Helloooooooooo My little hairbrushes!!:D

How are we on this lovely day??:D Would you all like to know the reason for my good mood?:D Well, even if you don't care, I'm going to share (hehe that rhymed!:D Poetry is the way my friends).

Anywho! I have reason to believe that I may have gotten rid of my terrible disease known as Writers Block due to this incredible chapter which you shall soon read:D In other words I'm pretty sure my writers block is gone!:D 99.9% sure!:D ahaha so all together now: 

CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!! (doo doo doo doo doo doo) ALRIGHT STOP! You're all out of tune!:L

anyways, getting on with the chapter:) I hope you enjoy and there's a picture of Jack to the side ------> as well as a song that sums this chapter up perfectly:) So if you would like to listen to it throughout the chapter, then please do so!:D

Anyways, here we go:

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Chapter 8: Love Hate

Alice heard Jack sigh heavily again. That had to be the fourth time he had sighed in about 30 seconds. Alice was still locked in the bathroom by herself, while Jack was waiting outside for her to come out. Thing was, she had decided that she wasn’t going to be coming out…not for a long time anyway.

After she had run to the bathroom for safety, Jack had constantly beaten his fists against the door, shouting for her to come out. When he finally realised that it was no use, he had slumped against the bathroom door where he was currently waiting for her to come out.

Every few seconds he would sigh heavily like a 5 year old who hadn’t gotten their way.

At first he was worried that he had driven Alice away. The only reason he was in his boxers was because he had woken up in the middle of night, uncomfortable in his stiff jeans and hot jumper. He was half asleep and he wasn’t thinking straight when he had clumsily undressed himself. He had forgotten which room he was in and more importantly whose bed he was in. He was tired and after removing his uncomfortable clothing he had fallen right back to sleep, snuggling in with, what he had thought at the time was his teddy bear. But in actual fact, it was Sarah.

He couldn’t forget the pained look on Alice’s face when she had seen him and automatically thought the worst. He felt his heart sink with hurt when he realised that he was the reason for her pain. Then when he had reached out for her, she had just run off. That was when he got mad and started attacking the door. It obviously wasn’t the door’s fault, but it had smacked him a couple of times in the face in the past, so he thought this made them even.

Alice stayed silent and if he hadn’t have known that she had only been in there 5 minutes; he would have assumed that she was dead, or at least unconscious. Thinking through this all, he sighed again. He thought that the best way to convince her was to obviously explain the truth to her. Surely Sarah would support the story and he would just have to hope that he hadn’t lost her. They had grown so close last night, closer than they had been in ages.

So, sighing once more he began to explain the whole story to Alice. He explained how he was awoken by Sarah being sick and how he had taken care of her because she wasn’t in the right state to be by herself. He expressed the emphasis of how he had intended to stay with her until she fell asleep, but how he too had fallen asleep. He explained how he ended up in his boxers. He explained everything; right up until Alice had seen him when he had opened the door.

Just as he had finished explaining everything to Alice, Sarah skipped out of her room with a big smile on her face. Gone was the vulnerable little girl Jack had caught a glimpse of last night; replaced with a cheerful and confident girl. She stopped when she saw Jack slumped outside of the bathroom door. She walked over to him, throwing him a questioning look. He just sighed and looked away as he shook his head sadly.

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