Chapter 16

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A/N: I know this a short chapter! It's sort of a filler chapter to be honest. I've been getting into the routine of school again, and it's been quite difficult! If you've started school, then you for sure understand what I'm going through! Or I at least hope you do, lol. OH! I'm gonna be making this about twenty chapters, so at this point, there's only about four chapters left. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to see you soon!!!!




Vanessa's POV:

It's about time for me to walk down the isle. I only have a short amount of time until I offically become the one and only Mrs.Chadwick. I know. It's crazy. I just realized it's been four years since I met Drew, Keaton, and Wesley. Without them, I probably would've ended up in the same situation as Riley, my dead ex-boyfriend. I was only with him for money, but that's besides the point.

"Mama!" I then hear.

I turn around to hear my beautiful daughter running towards me. She's in a cute floral dreess with her hair in an Elsa styled braid. Without even realizing it, I feel a tear drop down my face. I then pick her up, and tickle her. She laughs hysterically, which puts the biggest smile on my face.

"Where's auntie?" Desirae says as quietly as possible.

"Gracie? Or Riss?" I then ask.

"NO! AUNTIE BROOKE!" she shouts very loudly.

I laugh slightly.

"I think she's in the front row to see you up close! Maybe you could give her a little photoshoot later?" I then say as she smiles widely.

I guess I truly am good at this motherhood thing. I may have had her at a young age, but that isn't stopping me at all. But, there is one last thing I needed, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. I then put Desirae down so she can walk for a little while. One of my bridesmaides comes storming in, and it completely startles me. She looks at me worriedly, and at this point, I'm scared to ask what's going on.

"Nessa, there's something wrong," she says.

I can tell from her face that there's something wrong. She just needs to spit it out.

"What's going on?" I then ask.

Next thing I know, Drew's dad comes knocking the door down and comes in like he ownes the place. I heavily sigh, and I push Desirae behind me to proctet her from him. I really don't want my daughter to be injured.

Drew's POV:

What's taking them so long? I haven't seen Jade, Vanessa's bridesmaid in a little while. I know it's "bad luck" to see your wife before the wedding, but I need to see her. I then start looking around, just to see who could go back there. I then spot Laraine in the back. She smiles at me and I wave my hand to her, telling her to come here. She comes up to me within in a minute, and I'm not only glad she's here, but she came as quickly as she could.

"Hi sweety! You excited?" she says.

"Hey. Yes, I'm excited. But, I need your help," I reply.

"What's going on?" she asks, completely worried.

"Can you go and check and see if Vanessa is okay? Please?" I ask.

She nods her head yes and she goes off. Hopefully she's okay though.

Vanessa's POV:

He keeps talking and talking. It's not like a normal talk, he sounds more like he's talking with a vengance, sort of like I've done something to hurt him. To be honest, I'd rather have my wedding right now. Laraine comes and I try to mouth help to her. Then I realized something... As I turned around, something clicked. I didn't wanna look back.

Laraine's POV:

I jump onto his back and as he starts to turn around, a gun shot goes off. It didn't hit anyone from what I know. I then push the gun out of his hand, and quickly get off his back. I push him out of the way and kick the gun farther away than when I pushed it out of his hand. I run back into the room, and it doesn't look good. A piece of glass got into Vanessa's arm. I go and get a good friend of mine who's a doctor, to help her. About twenty minutes later, she has stiches up in her arm.

Vanessa's POV:

I'm happier it was my arm rather than her back. I look over at her being cautious of the glass. It looks like she wants to pick it up, but knows the danger. Temptation was right at her fingers, literally. I may not be religious in any way, but I do believe that this was God telling her not to follow the temptations.

"You still want to go through the wedding?" Laraine asks.

I look up at her and instantly nod my head up and down.

"Desi, are you ready to walk with mommy?!" I ask with as much enthusiasm as I can.

She smiles widely and jumps right where she stands. I then get up, with Laraine's help, and I head over to where Desirae stands. I then pick her up and we head towars the closed door. Behind that door stores all of our guest, and my soon to be husband. This may be the most terrifying this I think I'll have to experience right now. All that's left is...

"You ready?" Marissa asks, her tone sounding like she knows something.

Maybe she does know something I don't. Marissa wouldn't backstab me like that. EVER. I then look to see her cousin Marielena is sleeping in her arms, looking too comfortable to even realize what was going on to begin with. Desi waves to Marissa and Marissa waves back.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I respond, completely ignoring her previous tone.

SORRY! School started recently.... Oh well. Hope y'all enjoyed! I hope you guys liked it! If so, share it please! Thanks loveys. See ya next time!! xx

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