Chapter 6

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Wes’ POV (still):

Right as I look over before we leave, the unthinkable happens. Gracie opens her eyes. I pull away from Vanessa and run to her bedside, honestly shocked. I don’t know how to feel at this point.

Vanessa’s POV:

I see Wes run to her bedside. Something must have happened, but I’m scared to find out what. I hope she woke up, cause I seriously hate seeing Wes sad. I just need to get my mind off of what just happened before she woke up. Wes looks at me and smiles. I do my famous half smile. It works, as usual.

“Vanessa,” a weak voice says.

I subconsciously go over to the voice, which as I figured, was Gracie’s.

“Hi boo, how ya feeling?” I ask sweetly.

“Weak, but I’ll make it. How long have I been out?” she asks.

Wes and I look at each other suddenly.

“Uhhhh… Almost two weeks,” Wes then says.

She puts her head down. She must feel like absolute crap. But she has no reason to. The police have found no evidence and the ‘bitch’ of an ex-girlfriend is still in the hospital, but I no intention of seeing her. I wonder if Wes still gets texts. Ever since Gracie and the ‘bitch’ got shot, nothing has come. I’ll probably ask him later.

“Vanessa?” I hear Gracie say.

I look up at her and half smile.

“Are you okay? You just seem out of it. Where’s Drew?” she says suddenly.

I lower my head. I don’t wanna have to explain this.

“Let’s not talk about this now babe. I’m gonna go get a nurse, I’ll be back,” Wes then says.

He kisses Gracie on the forehead and leaves. And now, it leaves just us two.

“What happened?” Gracie then asked.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I then said.

Keaton and Brandy then walk in. We all greet each other and basically catch up on things. Like, their relationship. Their doing way better than three weeks ago, I can tell you that. They were fighting like crazy.

“What’s new with you Vanessa?” Keaton asks suddenly.

I sigh. I’m sick of this.

“Nothing really, just been pregnant,” I say and smile.

Everyone laughs and all of a sudden, a knock scares us and makes us jump. We then see it’s the police. This is odd.

“Hi, is Vanessa here?” the officer asks.

“Yes, right here,” I say as I raise my hand.

“Come with me,” the officer says.

I get up and follow the officer out to the hallway.

“Vanessa, you remember how your friend Jay killed himself?” the officer asked.

I nod my head yes.

“Well, he killed himself because someone has been setting you up for the past two or three years. We looked through Jay’s car and found a tape. Would you like to listen to it?” the officer says.

I nod my head yes again. The officer then takes out the little tape recorder thingy and presses the play button.

‘Vanessa, by the time you hear and/or find this, I’ll be dead. Not because I want to, but because it’s best. The reason why someone took your mom and sister was because they were setting you up. It wasn’t me or the bitch of a stepmother you had. It also wasn’t Brianna. It was A-‘

A shot happens and the tape ends.

“But how was he at my house? He shot himself in front of me,” I say shocked.

“The back window got shot, which completely missed him. We assume that he must’ve went to your house to kill himself because he knew someone was after both you, and him for trying to say something. That’s what we believe,” the officer says.

I’m shocked. I don’t know what to say at this point. I have no enemies anymore. I’ve been out of that life for a little over two and a half years. I don’t get it.

“Thank you for telling me sir,” I say and famously half smile.

“You’re welcome ma’am,” the officer says and smiles.

The officer then walks away, and right before I can walk back to Gracie’s room, I feel weird. Like, I wet myself. I look down and see a puddle of what looks to be water. Wait… I think I’m in labor.

“Oh shit,” Wes then says.

I look back up at him. I don’t know what to do.

Wes’ POV:

She looks at me worried. I go and grab a nurse asap. Vanessa is then put into a wheelchair and carried off. I’m going with.

“How are you related to her?” one of the nurses said.

“I’m the baby’s father,” I say quickly.

The nurse then nods. I may regret this later, but at this moment, I really don’t care. We make it into the room and they set Vanessa up into IV’s and the good stuff. I take out my phone and I text everyone that Vanessa is in labor.

Keaton’s POV:

I receive a text saying Vanessa’s in labor. Brandy looks up at me, shocked.

“What?” Gracie then says confused.

“Vanessa’s in labor,” I say, shocked.

“Isn’t she due next month?” Gracie says.

Brandy and I nod our heads yes. This is crazy.

“Did he text Drew?” I mumble to myself.

“Let me check,” Brandy then says.

Brandy’s POV:

Wes did send a group message to everyone. I press more info and I don’t see Drew’s number. That’s odd. I then find Drew’s contact in my phone and call him. I put on speaker and it rings and rings.

“Brandy?” Drew says.

“DREW!!! VANESSA IS IN LABOR! GET DOWN HERE!” I shout in the phone.

The phone call instantly ends and I know he’s coming.

“Go be with her! I’ll ask the doctor to let me come in a few,” Gracie says.

Keaton and I look at each other and run to the room. Keaton was talking to Wes on the phone on the way there and you could hear Vanessa screaming in pain. We finally got to the room and found Vanessa and Wes. I look to my right and find Kenny and Marissa. They’re holding hands, as nervous as the rest of us. We all say hi, and now we have to wait for both Drew and this new bundle of joy to come into this world.

Hi guys!! I know it's been a little bit since I've updated, so I decided to make the chapter a little longer cause idk when I can update next. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME OKAY. But, who's excited for Vanessa's birth?? And will Drew make it on time?? The suspense. lawl. But yeah, I love you guys and please vote, read and share this. My first fan fic almost has 100k reads. WOOHOO!! Well, thank you for that! And follow me on my tumblrs;


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