Chapter 15

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A/N: Hai guys!!! Okay, I know I have updated in a while and I'm very sorry about that. I've been really busy this summer and I just forgot, so please forgive me. I'm probably gonna make this book about twenty to twenty-five chapters cause I don't want this to drag out for you guys.... I've been writing this sequel for about a year, and I don't want y'all to feel like it's never gonna end. So, once you read this chapter, comment your opinion! Please, it'll mean A LOT!!!!

Drew's POV:

Ed's giving me a cold look. Or that's what it seems like.

Vanessa's POV:


I wake up shuddering. I look around to see I slept in my bedroom w/ Desirae on the other side. She was never taken, and why was I having a dream about Drew waking up? Is he awake? It's been three days since Christmas and I haven't seen him since. I just want 2016 to start. That 'dream' felt more like a nightmare to be honest. I start to realize I'm sweating more than a normal person should, so I get into the shower, and rinse off. About thirty minutes later, I'm all dressed, and my hair and makeup are also done. I decided to go with a white sweatshirt from Forever 21 and some grey leggings from H & M. I'm wearing some white vans to match and I put my hair in a loose ponytail. Desirae woke up while I was in the shower, so I had to cut my shower down to twenty minutes. I was in the middle of re-rinsing my hair. Oh well. I decide to go see Drew anyways. We finally get to teh hospital after about twenty minutes, and I see Gracie there. It's weird to think that in my 'dream' she took my baby. That wouldn't happen. But, I have an interview with Def Jam Records today, and they'll let me take Desirae. I guess they have some sort of day care that will watch her while I'm in the interview, which helps.

"Hey," I then say to Gracie.

She just smiles shyly and I go into Drew's room.

"I WANT HER!!!! I NEED HER!!" is all I hear Drew screaming. Has this man gone mental?

I continue to walk in until Drew is able to both Desirae and myself. He sighs heavily and it releives me that he isn't shouting anymore. All of the nurses get off of him as he calms down majorly.

"Vanessa, I need you. I miss you. I'm sorry. I truly am sorry, and I just want you. And Desirae. I'm saddened on how we went wrong. Please let me make this right, in any way, fashion, or form. I think it all might be the same thing but that doesn't matter," Drew starts off.

I smile at his silly ways.

"And, I know this isn't the place to be asking, and I hope this is the last time I have to ask, but Vanessa, will you marry me?" Drew then says.

At this point, I'm crying cause I never realized how lucky I was to even have Drew. Wow, I'm an idiot for even leaving him.

"Yes, I'll marry you," I then say.

I walk over to him to allow him to put the beautiful ring on my left figner. Finally something that feels right.........


Drew's POV:

Today is the day! I'm getting married to Vanessa. The flower girl and ring barrer (I think that's how you spell it) are Vanessa's neice and nephew. I've passed them once and they look amazing. I'm just ready for this wedding and finally be able to call Vanessa Mrs.Chadwick. It sucks Wes and Keats couldn't be here. Right now, I should be on tour with them, but I decided to leave the group, and Vanessa supported me. Keaton and Wes were sad about it, but they understand and have been really supportive of it. I'm really lucky to have them three. Desirae is walking and talking like crazy. She's a year and few months, and she looks exactly like her mom. It's crazy how much can happen in a matter of about three to four years. To be honest, it scares me. But, I'm prepared.

Vanessa's POV:

Holy shit, I'm getting married today. This is gonna be one of the most scariest days of my life. It's gonna be a small wedding. Some of Drew's friends and family will be there while I have at least ten people that I've become friends with from school come. I've decided to go through with cosmetolgy school, which I'm very happy with. I also have Marissa and her family coming along, which is awesome. Ever since Brandy broke up with Keaton, and Wes having to call it quits with Gracie, I never really talked to them. Brandy wanted absolutely nothing to do with me as well as Gracie. But, oh well. I'm a big girl and I'll wear my big girl panties. I suddenly hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I say.

Marissa and her cousins come into the dressing room. The eldest one looks about five while the other one looks about three. They're both so cute.

"They wanted to come, and I couldn't say no to them," Marissa says, and laughs.

"It's okay! The more the merrier, ain't that right?" I say as I bend down to the five year old.

She suddenly gives me a hug and something just hit me. I want Marissa and her cousins to walk me down the isle. I had never thought about it. I know my mom should be walking me down the isle, but she couldn't afford to make it. I even offered to help her out, but she still said no. I let her have her wish, because I'm not gonna force her to come if she doesn't want to. I then pick up her cousin, and give Marissa a serious look. I know she's my maid of honor, but we could we switch some things up.

"What's wrong?" Marissa asks, worried.

I nod my head side to side repeatedly.

"I know who I want to walk me down the isle," I suddenly say.

"Well, I thought Desi was going to walk you down the isle," Marissa says.

"Her and Tatianna are gonna be my flower girls. Tatianna is gonna go w/ Jace and then Desi is gonna do flowers when I walk down the isle, so she is walking me down the isle." I say.

"No, she's just leading you," Marissa says and laughs.

"Well, I want you and Marielena to walk me down the isle. Only if you would like to, of course. I'm not gonna force it on you if you don't want," I say.

"I WOULD LOVE TO!!!!!!" Marissa pratically yells.

I'm shocked by her yelling. She finally is able to calm down, which is a blessing. Right before I can say anything, she puts her finger in the air (NOT HER MIDDLE FINGER DONT WORRY)...

"But under one condition," Marissa then says.

"What is it?" I say.

"You allow me to carry your daughter as she throws the rose petals," Marissa says.

"You have a deal, my friend," I say and put my hand out.

A few seconds later, Marissa puts her hand out and we shake on it, making our deal offical.


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