Chapter 10

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First off, thank you guys so much for being so paitent with me! I wish I didn't have to wait so long to update for you guys and I wish you didn't have to wait like a month or two for an update. That will never happen again. I'll update as much as possible now, alright? Alright! Enjoy the chapter!!



~December 2015~

Vanessa's POV:

It's been a good three months since Wes and I had our 'interaction' with those people. The texts still keep going off, as well as the phone calls, but I tend to ignore them more than Wes does. Anyways, I'm having to shop for things to get everyone. And it's Christmas Eve. Procrastination at its finest, to be completely honest. But, I have Desi and nobody would watch her. I didn't wanna ask Drew, I felt like he still needed space and so do I, I mean, c'mon. I make my way through the crowded mall and I find a baby store. PERFECT. I need things for Desi anyways, so it works out for not only me, but her. lol. As I walk in, I notice all the children waiting for Santa. Some chlidren way more excited than others, but it wouldn't be Christmas if that didn't happen. I then notice 'Santa' wink at me. I scoff louder than I should, and I get some reactions. Okay then. I walk in, and I see a very familiar face. But, I wanna lay low cause I've seen way too many familiar people lately, and I'm pretty sick of it. I walk to the 8-10 month section (Desirae was born in April of 2015 in the story, and I never explained that, and her age. Well, I just did explain. lol now back to the story) and I see all these cute onesizes (I think you spell it like that, oh well). But, I really don't like any of them. I walk over to see some cute blankets. There's a really pretty purple one as well a beachy one. I think Keaton and Wes will like that blanket more than the baby would. I'd probably end up freaking out if they took it.

"Hi ma'am, do you need help today?" the woman asks.

I guess she works here.

"Umm... Do you have more of these beach designed blankets?" I ask.

She opens her mouth, but pauses. Lady, I want my blankets.

"Vanessa?" she says.

"Hi. Ummmm.... How do I know you?" I ask.

I'm always confused, to be honest.

"It's me, Mom," she says.

I look back at her. It really is her. She looks worn down. Ever since I moved out, I haven't even checked on her. I'm such an awful daughter. She probably hates me.

"Mom, you must hate me. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for not checking on you. How are you? I'm so sorry for not ever being there. I feel so awful. After the funeral, I just left you and never came back. I'm such an awful child," I say, pretty much rambling at this point.

She looks at me confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" I somewhat shout.

"I don't hate you, I never have. I understood why you'd leave. You look so beautiful honey. How's Drew? Is he good? Ummm... Why are you in a baby store?" She says.

Oh shit. I never told her about Desi. How do I tell her? Oh, hey mom, I had sex and then I got pregnant. Yeah, that's awkward.

"Uhhhh.... I had a baby. And Drew.... I don't know how he is, actually," I then say.

Mom looks at me shocked. I'd have the same expression, so I get where she's coming from to be honest.

"Wow, congrats baby," she then says and hugs me.

I hug back, not wanting to be rude.

"Mom?" I then say.

She pulls away from the hug. Thank God! lol

"Yes baby?" she then says.

"Would you wanna come to my place for tonight and tomorrow?" I then ask.

She starts to get teary eyed. I hate to see people cry, and this just makes me feel awful. She nods her head yes, and I smile widely. I then run and hug her, way too excitedly.

"But what are you doing in here?" I ask.

"I work here," Mom then says.

"Oh, okay," I then respond.

Well, that was a very simple answer. But, I'm happy that she's coming to visit. Then, my family will be complete.

"And about your blankets, I'll get them for free. I'll get them and then we'll go," she then says.

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You don't realize how much this means to me!" I then say very proudly and happily.

She chuckles and leaves to grab the blankets. My family is starting to become full again. All I need to do is call Drew and see how he is, and how he feels. I wish I could do it now. I wanna tell Mom all about it, but I don't wanna burden her. Oh well. I guess I'm left to my own devices. After what seems like forever, she comes out with the blankets I was, well am, wanting. She hands them to me and I accept them gladly.

"Thank you. This means a lot," I say and smile.

She smiles back and says,

"Honey, let's get your family back."



Okay, thank you guys for being so paitent with me, again! I feel super bad for doing this to you guys! I wish I never had to in the first place! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!


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