Chapter 3.

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Hi guys! I know 1 year of Emblem3 was a few days ago, but I had a boat load of homework, so I honestly couldn't get on for long! But I wanted to say that without these 3 sunburnt Cali boys, I wouldn't have met all these amazing people! I love all of you and you guys all have a special place in my heart. Some of the people I know, I've pretty much tried and helped them in some way. And others aka my faves, are just awesome! I also wouldn't have my closest friends, like Gracie, Daniela, Caitlyn, Kate, Ansley, and Dina! :) I love them all dearly and they mean a lot to me! Especially Gracie, cause she was pretty much the first emblem to ever talk to me! Lol. I'm so grateful for them, and I mean that! Now, here you guys go, here's chapter 3.

Drew’s POV:

I’m in utter shock of what happened. Two people just got shot. One of them, who’s obviously innocent. I hear shouts, but I’m just stuck. I finally get pushed to do something. But, it’s not because I forced myself to. It’s because Vanessa made me. I helped pick up Gracie with Wes, as Vanessa calls the ambulance.

Vanessa’s POV:

I’m freaking out. The phone keeps ringing and ringing. I wanna hunt the person who did this down.

“Hi, LA general hospital, how may I help you?” the receptionist, I’m guessing, asked.


“Hi, two people got shot. I need an ambulance, ASAP,” I replied.

The receptionist got all of the information they needed and said they’ll be on their way. It better be quickly though. But for now, we just have to wait. Wes looks sadder than ever. It reminds of how he was when Brandi, my sister, was in the same position. Well, somewhat in the same position as her. I haven’t been through something like for a couple years, so it’s weird for it to be happening. I’m happy the baby isn’t born yet.  Wes then looks at me worried, and I nodded at him. The nod is just telling him it’s gonna be okay. We then hear a knock on the door and then it gets kicked down. It must be the ambulance. We all turn around to see if it is. We obviously thought wrong.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” I shouted.

“WHAT I SHOULD’VE DONE YEARS AGO,” Jay then shouted.

Bang bang. He shot himself.

“JAAAAAAAY!” I screamed as I ran over to him.

I pick him up and I cry. He may have screwed me over in the past, but I feel like he had a reason to do this. And, I need to figure it out. Is it because of the bitch of the ex girlfriend? I just need answers. The ambulance finally comes and takes both Gracie and the ‘bitch’ to the hospital. Wes goes while Drew stays with me. The police follow in soon after, which leaves Drew and I with a lot of explaining to do.

“Vanessa,” someone says.

I look up and it’s Drew.

“Come here, they’ve gotta do what they need to do. Let him go,” he says sweetly.

I shake my head no.

“Ma’am, you have to let go of him. We have to do our job,” the officer says.

 I nod my head no again. Drew grabs me by arms and picks me up. He then tells the officers sorry for me not cooperating and they understood. I’m grieving for God’s sake. Well, somewhat grieving. I just need to go to the hospital. I wanna check up on Gracie and Wes.

“Drew, I need to leave,” I mumble.

“Okay babe. But, I don’t think the officers will let you,” he whispers.

“I don’t care. I need to see how Wes and Gracie are.”

“Well, Ron is here. So, I think he’ll let you go if you talk to him,” Drew then says so only I can hear.

I then walk up to Ron (officer Brown; he was in the first book).

“Ron, I need to leave,” I then say to him.

“Go for it. Just make it look like you went to the bathroom or something,” he replied so I only can hear.

I nod, grab my purse and keys, and I leave this hellhole. I get into my car and about an hour later, I get there. Before I even get out of the car, I text Wes.

To Wes:

Where are you?

From Wes:

ICU, which is level 7. I’ll wait for you at the elevator.

To Wes:

Okay, I’ll be there shortly.

I walk to the hospital and I get in the elevator. I get to level 7 in about ten seconds, and I see Wes waiting on a bench. I lightly touch his shoulder, which shocks him. He then gets up to hug me though, which is nice.

”How’s she holding up?” I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders.

“They won’t tell me anything at all, honestly. It’s really annoying, cause I wanna know. They say family only,” he says.

He looks really agitated. I then go up to the receptionist at the desk for that level.

“Hi ma’am, how may I help you?” she says.

“Hi, you have a woman named Gracie on this level. She’s blonde, white, about 18. Would you have any new information on if she’s stable or not? I’m her cousin,” I say.

 She searches for her name in the computer.

”I would actually have to find her doctor. I’ll page him to come up here for you,” she says and smiles politely.

“Thank you!” I say and I smile back.

She then nods her head and pages the doctor. Now, it’s just having to play the waiting game… Once again.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!! SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED!!! I've been SOOOO BUSY with school and I have barely any time to come on. I'm literally reading some of my fav fanfics like Marcel or Who are you during class or during lunch. It's been that stressful. And, my birthday was this weekend!! YAAAAY! I'm 15 now :) haha :) Well, follow me on tumblr! 

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