Chapter 11.

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been writing! I've been so busy with school and I just got over being sick and well, I had writers block. Thank you all for having so much patience with me, cause if it were me, I would've probably gotten rid of the book. But, thank you for not doing that!! ANYWAYS, here is CHAPTER 11!!




Gracie's POV:

Wes and I have been fighting for three weeks straight. I'm sick and tired of trying with this kid. He seriously makes me want to scream. I feel like I can't do it anymore. But losing him would be like suicide. The thought of him and I not together just makes me..... shudder. But when did I turn so soft? I was never this way before. Before Wes, I never wanted to get married, or have kids. I just wanted to be my own human being. Hell, I thought kids were the devil until Vanessa had Desirae. My bundle of joy that I call as my niece is the reason I'm willing and wanting to be with Wes and fight through it. But at the same time I'm scared. What if Wes has feelings for Vanessa? What if he leaves me? Fuck. My mind is spinning in circles again. The one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do. I know Vanessa is Christmas shopping and I don't wanna bother her. I don't wanna bother Brandy either cause sometimes she can be a hot ass mess. I love her like a sister, but damn. She is one crazy Mexican. lawl. I think I'll just call Marissa. She pretty much can sense anything and everything. I hope she'll be able to help. I grab my phone and unlock it. I then go and click on her contact name. I think I'll just FaceTime her instead. I press the FaceTime button and it starts to ring. I make sure I look good, cause hell, I don't want Marissa calling me out for looking like a hot ass mess. After the third ring, Marissa answers. THANK GOD!!!

"Hey!" Marissa said excitedly.

Marissa's POV:

I'm seriously shocked Gracie is calling me. She hasn't talked to me since Desirae was born. And that was eight months ago. Oh well. I have Dina and Daniela but I truly do miss Gracie. Anyways..... Back to me trying to pay attention.

"Huh?" I then say.

"I need your help with something," Gracie says.

"Okay, what's up girl?" I then say.

"Well..... Wes and I have been fighting.... About..... Vanessa.... And how I think he might be cheating on me. I just.... I'm scared to trust him cause all the guys that I've trusted have hurt me and I'm scared to tell Wes that cause I feel like he'll have to live up to unrealistic expectations and nobody, I mean NOBODY deserves to live like that. I wish I could figure everything out myself, but I can't. I need your advice...... Please," Gracie said.

Hmmmm.... Well.... I don't know what to say.

"Gracie, you know I love you and I'm gonna be as real with you as I am with Brandy. You're acting really insecure and you should tell Wes about everything cause that's probably a major reason why y'all fight. Have Vanessa make him dinner after Christmas and you guys talk. I actually mean TALK. NOT YELLING. It actually works. I mean, look.... I'm not the person you should come to but my parents never did that and if they did, things would be different... Way different actually. I'd be dead if things didn't go the way they did. But, make sure you talk to him. Cause nothing will get resolved that way, okay?" I say.

She looks stumped.

"Fine," she then says.

I smile and then I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, time to go!" my dad says.

"I'll talk to you later! Tell me if everything goes as planned!" I say.

"Okay, and thanks for the advice," I say.

We both hang up and I go and get ready for flag practice.

Wes' POV:

I'm sitting in the living room of my mothers house with baby Desirae. She's sleeping, but it makes me happy to see her peaceful. I wonder if all babies are this peaceful. I've helped take care of Desirae more than Drew, and he's the father. That says a lot. Vanessa has been playing this song called Mine by Beyoncé featuring Drake for the past week, and to be honest, it completely relates to her situation. Cause they've both somehow taken things way too far..... Fighting wise, over the baby of course. Which is dumb. A loud cough blurs me out of my thoughts. I look up and see my sister Brooke. She sits down next to me and pats my back.

"What's up?" she asks suddenly.

"What's up about what?" I reply.

She gives me the really look.

"Look, I don't wanna talk about it," I then say.

"You like Vanessa don't you? And you feel like you and Gracie have lost your way together?" she then says.

I look at her shocked.

"I can tell your what your mannerisms baby brother. Look, I've been in the same position with a guy. It was the worst thing to keep the guy that I wasn't in to in suspense all the time. I mean, I wouldn't have my baby boy if I didn't break up with the guy I wasn't into. It was really hard to let someone I cared about go, but I had to. Wesley Trent Stromberg, go do what's right, okay?" Brooke said.

I just nodded my head in agreement. I have no words left to say. I know what I have to do, but I'm scared.

"Are you scared?" Brooke then said.

I nodded my head yes.

"How bout I come with you? But let's do this after Christmas, cause that would be an awful thing to do to Gracie during this time," Brooke said.

"I agree. And thank you Brooke for the advice. You helped make the puzzle pieces fit again," I then say.

"Of course! That's what big sisters do!" she said excitedly.

I hugged her tightly and then grabbed Desirae's things and her, and went back to the house.

Vanessa's POV:

Mom and I have been shopping all day. I seriously mean ALL DAY. It's been crazy, but I think we've gotten what we needed. We're on our way back to my old apartment. I then hear a phone go off.

"Was that your phone mom?" I ask.

"Nope, I don't have a phone," she replied.

"Oh, okay," I then say.

I go and check my phone. One new text message.

Wes: Hey, I'm at the house with the baby. When do you think you're gonna be back? xoxo

I reply instantly.

Me: Hey. I'm not gonna be home for another few hours. If you want, you can swing by my old apartment. I'm wrapping gifts over there cause I don't want anybody to see the gifts. And if you do come by, you can't tell anyone.

I sent the text and we made it to the apartment. Wow, it still feels like some sort of safety. So much has changed in the past couple years. I was eighteen when I had this apartment. Now, I'm gonna be twenty soon and I find it crazy to be coming back. We get all the presents up and we start wrapping them. A few minutes later, I hear a knock at the door.

"COMING!!!" I shout.

I then open the door to find an unexpected guest.... But this guest isn't alone.

OOOOOHHHH CLIFFHANGER!! But it's not Wes, sorry guys. Love yall!


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Thanks for being patient and reading!!! Till next time xoxox

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