Not A Love Spell (Pt.2) FINAL

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ShadAmy | Sonic Forces AU

"So, what do we have to do?"

Amy looked directly at the Witch's eyes who looked at Shadow. He clearly didn't want to be there and he looked more than annoyed.

"That's the spell talking Shadow, you don't want to be in love with me"
"I don't care...before, I really didn't have a reason to keep on fighting but now...Amy, you are my reason"

"Shadow...Love is something that should not be forced into you... Now I am realizing that"

Amy thought about Sonic at that moment. She had realized that she didn't want to force Sonic into anything he didn't want to feel. She wanted Sonic to truly love her, not because of a stupid spell. It took for Shadow to be in this state for her to finally understand how wrong she was. Only by doubting him, Shadow agreed to come with her.

"Well there's only one thing you can do, this is a very powerful love spell, therefore you will need something powerful to destroy it as well." The Witch took a deep breath before clearing her voice and continued, "You need to go Emerald Forest and climb the tallest mountain...only there you will be able to see the Aurora Polaris"

"Aurora Polaris?", Amy questioned. "Yes, they are also known as Northen Lights...they are beautiful lights that show in the sky once in a while. Shadow should look at them directly and after they are gone, he should be back to normal", The Witch smiled reassuring Amy. Shadow still hasn't said a word.

"You should hurry up, tomorrow the lights will be its brightest and won't come back for the rest of the month"

"Thank you so much!"

And with that Shadow and Amy were out of the Witch's shop.

Amy looked at Shadow who was as quiet as the night but his face was still showed disappointment and madness.

"Alright, Shadow...what's your problem?", Amy questioned him, placing a hand on her hip.

"You are saying that you are doing this for me because you don't want to force any feelings on me. But now that I love want me to stop loving you. Why aren't you taking my feelings into consideration", Shadow looked down to Amy.

"Shadow, you don't truly love me. Before we didn't even talk that much, you can't fall in love with me from one day to another. Once this is done, you will see that I am right. Shadow please trust me on this one...If you are really in love with me after your spell in destroyed then..."

"Then?", Shadow's eyes soften, and he took a step closer to Amy. He noticed that this was probably hard for her as well, and he was none to deny that fact.

"...we will see"


They had been walking for a couple of hours now into Emerald Forest. Shadow volunteer to carry Amy and use his rocket shoes to get to the mountain faster but Amy rejected the idea thinking that Shadow should take it slow for now. Amy didn't want Shadow to fall ill or anything due to overexerting himself.
As thanks to saving the village, Amy received food provisions and sleeping bags for their trip. Right now everything was set. They both had already eaten and the bonfire was lit. It was a bit awkward at first, Shadow and Amy were both in their sleeping bags, staring at the stars above them. A few seconds passed and Shadow began the conversation.

"do you think you could ever fall in love with someone like me?"

Wow. What a way to start a conversation, right? Even for Shadow, asking this type of questions were unusual of him. The more he will say things like this, the more he thought that Amy was actually right. That right now, the Love Spell was the one talking and not the real him.

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