it had always been you

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Sonic Forces AU/ One-Shot/ ShadAmy:

          Amy woke up filling a bit dizzy. From what she recognized she was at Rouge's living room and as her sight got clear she noticed Shadow the Hedgehog was tied down to the chair he was currently sitting in. His head down, asleep. She turned her head to the left and saw Sonic sitting with his legs crossed. She turned to her left and there was Rouge, who looked at Shadow with a worried face.

"What's happening?", Amy whispered slowly but this caught the blue and the white's attention. "Oh, Amy dear! You have finally woken up. Good, we are going to need you to help us to calm down Shadow when he wakes up", Rouge said as she noticed that Shadow began to move his head in discomfort.

"Boy, he is going to be so angry when he wakes up", Sonic added. "I am the one who is going to be really mad if you don't tell me what's going on!", Amy was about to lose it. The last thing she remembers was drinking a cup of coffee with Rouge- "HEY, DID YOU DRUG ME!?", Amy stared into Rouge, feeling a little bit betrayed. She wanted to stand up and leave but she found out soon as well that her hands were tied down behind her back.

"Sorry sweetheart, I swear we will explain everything once Shadow wakes up"

"Then, you better start talking before I blow up your house", Shadow had suddenly woke up, red eyes who could kill if they could stare for a second at Rouge then at Sonic.

"Well, how do we you kinda, well used to, kinda, well no, you actually-"

"Ugh, you both are dating for like two years now but somehow you ended up losing all of your memories of you two together.", Rouge cut of Sonic out of pure frustration. Just like the couple, she also had her questions on how the couple came up to be this way.

"I am not in the mood for your jokes Rouge...and Sonic", Amy was done with the situation. She thought at first that this could turn into a funny joke later on in the future, but now they are making things up like Shadow and her dating, yeah that would never happen. This is-



When the words left their mouths Shadow and Amy looked at each other. The second their eyes met, they instantly looked away in disgust.

"This ain't a joke. You guys were dating for two years, very much in love. Heck, Shadow even asked me to be his best man at your wedding", Sonic looked over at Shadow who had an "I can't believe that just came out of your mouth" face. Sonic responded with a "No, yeah you actually said that" face.

"We don't know how it happened. You guys 'broke up' suddenly a week ago and then-"

"Oh yeah, the day you two broke up Shadow showed up at my doorstep crying while holding an empty bottle of vodka", Sonic interrupted Rouge, who had enough of him already. "COULD YOU SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?"



Rouge was about to stand up and hit Sonic in the face but he suddenly stands up and left the room. He just flew out of the house, leaving the door open and more than anything, leaving the others speechless. "Did that bastard just ditch us?", Shadow was reading to break free and go hunt for Sonic but his hearing skills made him realize that he was coming back with his super speed.

"Ok, listen up", Sonic said as he showed up in the room again, but this time holding up a green Chaos Emerald. "The day Shadow came to my house drunk, he was mumbling stupid things. I couldn't really understand most of the things he was saying but one thing I understood was that he wished they both could forget they dated...somehow, his wish most of been so strong that he triggered the Chaos Emerald I was hiding in my house", Sonic finished and Rouge had also stood up in realization. "Meaning that the only thing he has to do is to wish for them both to remember!",Rouge high five Sonic but their happiness was soon destroyed when they noticed Amy's and Shadow's emotionless faces.

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