Wedding Dress

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Wedding Dress

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Wedding Dress




Amy walked down the aisle, the white wedding dress she was wearing softly moved along her steps making look as if she was floating. Everyone looked at her in awe, amazed by her beauty. Some laugh, some smiled, happy for the soon to be married couple.

And Shadow was waiting for her.


Shadow was jealous of Silver. At least he could go back to the past and redeem his mistakes. Shadow couldn't do that and it was too late now.

"You know, it's not too late."

"She is getting married next week, it is too late."

Shadow and Silver were currently at their shared apartment. Silver watched from his couch, watching Shadow play the piano was actually amusing to him. He didn't see him as the one to play classical instruments, maybe a guitar or drums but never a piano.

"She is not married yet, you can still tell her how you feel." Silver said. He was the only one who knew of Shadow's love for a certain pink hedgehog. He was the one who introduced them after all.

"What if you go to the past and stop me from falling in love with Amy goddamn Rose." Shadow pressed the piano key's very hard, showing his anger.

"You were going to fall in love with her anyway, I can't alter the past that would just mess up the fu-" Silver shut himself off. One of his flaws was talking too much and this was one of those moments.

"Wait ... you knew this was going to happen?" Shadow tilted his head, giving Silver a cold look. "And you still introduced me to her?"

"Hey, I was just speeding things up! It was going to happen anyways and-"

"I knew I should have moved to another city."

"It was still going to happen, one way or another."

Shadow cursed everything under his breath. Was this destiny? And if so, why hate him so much?


"I don't believe in destiny."

"Really? You don't believe that we are meant to do something in this world?"

"No, you can do whatever you want."

Amy let out a small laugh, Shadow's ideology amused her, "I do believe in it."

It was a snowing day and Amy and Shadow walked hand by hand. Nothing romantic, but Shadow insisted because Amy wasn't wearing any globes and didn't want her hands to get cold.

"Sometimes I wonder," Amy said softly, "If everything is predetermined by destiny."


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