Team: Dark Prince Pt.2

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I am tired. Truthfully I am.

No matter how long I popped my back, it will still hurt. My eyes would close themselves and my body will not respond to my commands. The room I was in wasn't helping either. The dim lights, the soft whisper of people talking between each other, the delicate yet strong aroma of recently made coffee made everything almost too perfect.

"A large cup of black coffee please"

     I heard his voice clearly enough to not recognize it. "Hey there Dark Prince."

I collected all of my strength to keep on going and at least bring the best customer service to my number one client.

"You too? I don't know what's with people calling me that."

"Well, it just fits you... or do you prefer to be called 'Dark Lord?"

"Well it indeed reminds me of Star Wars so..."

"Well yeah, we are not changing it."

     Shadow showed me those small yet powerfully cute fangs as he smirked. There were good intentions behind his annoyance with his nickname. Shadow always liked to be secretive when it came to him. So many people calling him Dark Prince wasn't on his plans, meaning people knew what he was doing in secret wasn't so secret after all.

"Are you feeling alright?"

         I recognized an honest look of concern in Shadow's face, I must have looked at my worse because it was rare to see Shadow with such face.

"Yes, I am just tired. It's been a long day."

     I received Shadow's black coffee from my co-worker. Shadow's eyes lift up in excitement, it was one of the few moments where I could appreciate him fully. Although he was the ultimate life form, he still acted like one of us. He was one of us.

"Well...Thank you for coming to Momo Cafe."

"My pleasure."

       Shadow took the coffee from my hand and our fingers touched lightly. It was normal for it to happen, but I had to admit that it made my heart flutter when it shouldn't.




    I still don't know why I became addicted to coffee. Maybe because Amy was crazy about it too or because I had the opportunity to see her every time I buy coffee.

I had to admit that she had me at her will. The reason? To be honest, I still didn't know.  Maybe I wasn't in love with her but just appreciated her deeply. Rouge says that I am, that the fact alone that I became addicted to coffee because Amy was good of enough proof that I am indeed in love with her.

But I am not sure.

I had never experienced love this way before. It wasn't like the family love I had for Maria, but more... intimate. To be honest, I am still learning the ways in which the world works. Sometimes I can come off as "rude" or "empathic" but I think it's because I still don't know how to communicate properly.

Which is why I let my actions speak for me. Or at least I try.

I am really trying, really I am. But sometimes I get tired.

And today I am tired. Truthfully I am.




    I showed up to G.U.N in my motorcycle and the guard let me in as soon as he saw me. He was a good guy, last time I spoke to him, he had fixed his problems with his wife and everything was even better for him when the news came that he was going to become a father.

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