Two Souls, One Origin

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Two Souls, One Origin

Even now for him, it was difficult to breathe. It had been 10 years since he had broken his nose. Well, someone broke it for him and ever since he couldn't breathe properly. It didn't bother him that much, so he never went to fix it. He hated everything that had to do with going to the doctors not because he was afraid of surgery but because he knew we would be in bed for weeks.

And he didn't have the luxury.

Even more, now that the world was in danger, he walked around thinking of any other solution but that one Tails had just mentioned.

"You know that we need him." Tails sighed as he turned his chair to face the blue one, who was still not accepting the facts.

"You know very well I don't talk to him anymore." Sonic had a frown on his face as he stopped mid-track. His face told Tails everything, he didn't want to do anything with him. Anyone but HIM.

"Sonic what happened between you and him was 10 years ago and-"

"Because if him I stayed in prison for 10 years Tails! 10 years in which I didn't see the sunlight...and..." Sonic stopped as he remembers the terrible memories. The white walls of his prison cell, the guards, the needles, the doctors, the pain...

"Sonic snap out of it!" , Tails hated seeing his best friend like this. His eyes were full of panic whenever they talked about what happened during those ten years. Never again, Tails promised him.

Even so, he knew that to save the world, they needed him.

"I know it was horrible for you...but you know very well that we need him...If we are gonna save the world...we need him, Sonic!", Tails said with a pleading face. Tails knew that Sonic wasn't like before, he couldn't defeat enemies like he used to. He needed help and Tails just needed that assurance that if he was going to the battlefield, HE was going to be with him.

"Fine, but I don't know how to contact him." Sonic finally agreed.

"Don't worry about it, I got it."




Now they were in the well-know floating Angel Island. Sonic had to admit that it was nice to see Knuckles do his job once in a while. He was sleeping of course, right next to the Master Emerald.

"KNUCKLES!", Both Sonic and Tails screamed on his ears, making him jump and hitting his head with the Master Emerald. "What is your damn problem!? THIS BETTER BE GOOD OR I-", Knuckles was fuming from his nose and was redder than usual, ready to him Sonic and Tails in the face.

"Short story, Eggman got all seven Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds and transferred them into Metal Sonic. Now he is probably the strongest enemy we have ever faced.", Sonic said as he saw Knuckles face change expressions.

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