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There she was again.

With her stupid red dress, her stupid red bandana, her stupid boots, and her stupid flowers.

Alright, no the flowers.

So then, why was Shadow so excited to see her for?

"So, you finally decide to show up, 'Mr. I am too cool for a flower shop'?" Amy teased him a little. It hasn't been the first time they talked. Actually, to her understanding, she thinks Shadow considers her a close friend.




"Aren't you hungry?"

A few months had passed since Team Sonic was aware that Shadow was brought back from the dead. Well, he was never really dead in the first place. He had escaped from the secret place G.U.N. had put him in, everyone looked for him but it was no use.

He didn't want to be found until he met her.

"Stay away from me." Shadow had barely enough strength to utter words. He was the Ultimate Life Form and he couldn't die from starvation, but he could still feel his stomach begging for some source of food. It was like hell, he suffered without dying.

"That's not happening any time soon. Come with me, I'll give you a warm bed and food." Amy walked closer to the black hedgehog who was almost completely covered by snow.

"I'll just end up hurting you...I am a biological weapon...I will end you." Shadow could barely move or even recognize the pink figure in front of him. His senses were at its fullest potential, he felt the extreme coldness 10 times greater than the usual species. Everything was enhanced, and each drop of snowflakes against his fur was like a needle piercing through his skin.

But suddenly, he didn't feel anything anymore.

Nothing but warmness coming from the pink hedgehog in front of him, holding her pink umbrella on top of them both.

Green eyes and red eyes met for the first time in a while and since then, they couldn't look away from each other.

"Did you know that umbrellas were made so two people could fit in?... and I still have an empty spot to fill..."




Curse Amy Rose and this strange power she had over him. As Shadow stayed on Amy's house, they got to know each other better. Between conversations, Amy found that Shadow was actually pretty good at flowers arrangements. He also had a lot of knowledge about them and their meanings. After all, Maria had made it a priority for her that whenever they could, they studied all types of lifeforms on earth.

The flower arrangement came later on as a hobby for Shadow. The time he stayed to live with Amy, he saw her taking care of flowers and planting them.

Watching her been so careful, working so hard, and proud...that had awoken something on Shadow.

"I am just making you a favor, I have no need for this." Shadow talked smoothly as he approached Amy on her garden.

"Well then, good luck finding another job. I am sure G.U.N. will take you in anytime."

"You are lucky that I actually get hungry and I need money to pay for my expenses." Shadow bent down and took a moment to appreciate the flowers in front of him. He had to admit that Amy was a natural when it came to gardening, especially her flowers. They were probably the most beautiful roses he had ever seen, and its all thanks to her secret fertilizer, or how she likes to call it, 'Rose Fertilizer.'

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