Chapter 1

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"Seriously Hazel?" My best friend, Natalie, asks me, laughing.

"Yep." I reply, laughing. Natalie and I have been best friends since middle school and surprisingly work within a block from each other. I work as an insurance adjuster while Natalie works at a law firm as a receptionist. Currently, we're sitting at the barstools at the local pub that is less than a block from both work and home for both of us.

"Damn Hazel, water cooler talk." She says, taking a sip of her wine. She's wearing black slacks with her favorite and comfortable pair of nude heels, a white dress shirt, and her jacket is on the back of her chair. I'm in a purple pencil dress with black heels and a lightweight sweater, basically nothing too fancy. I had my brown hair flowing down my back in soft curls and my hazel eyes outlined in some tasteful makeup.

"Oh come on, it's not every day you find out at the water cooler that a bald eagle took off with someone's cat," I reply, before adding, "In the middle of the damn city." I take a sip of my wine, feeling my nerves calm down. I got a call from my mother a few minutes before getting off work to remind me that I needed to be at their house this weekend. She has this idea in her head that since i'm almost 26 and never been married that she has to set me up on these outrageous dates.

"Earth to Hazel." Natalie says, waving her hand in my face.

"I'm here." I reply, but she has always known me.

"What did your mother do this time?"

"I think she's trying to set me up again." I reply, taking a drink before continuing, "I have never been married, like you married the best guy in the whole world that I'm happy to call my brother. My passion is flying, but I just have to observe it from afar because no one wants to date a lady who loves flying."

"That can't be true."

"Sadly it is. I tried going on a couple of dates my mom set up, but when the guy asked what I was interested in hobby wise, I told him flying and that had him fidgeting. We didn't even get to eat our meals as we had to get it to go." Natalie puts a comforting hand on mine and I didn't realize my hand was shaking with my glass in it. She takes it out of my hand and holds both hands in hers.

"I love woodworking, still do and every man, like your situation, ran for the hills. Peter, was different. He also loves woodworking and finding someone to share his life with was a huge step for him. You'll find him." 

"So either a pilot or just a guy who loves flying?" I chuckle and she laughs along the tension rolling off my shoulders. She stops and then leans in. 

"Holy crap." She whispers.

"What?" I ask her. I look around the bar and see nothing that would cause that kind of reaction out of her.

"Hot guy walked in and by the way he walks, he has authority and confidence." I giggle at her. She has always been able to read the male species better than I could. "And he took a seat at the bar, which is six seats behind you."

"Natalie, handsome men are usually already married so like I said either he's a cheater or forgot to put his ring back on after work." She sits up and smiles one of her sinister smiles that shows her cooking up a plan. 

"Okay, then take a look, but be classy about it." She says, before adding, "Don't overkill it like you usually do." I roll my eyes at her, but I turn and look out the corner of my eye. Strong build, broad shoulders, brown hair and strong jawline, which would be characteristics of a handsome gentleman in Natalie's book. Long pants followed by dress shoes and a white shirt, which means the jacket is on the back of his chair. He nods as the bartender sets what looks to be a scotch glass in front of him and swirls the drink before taking a sip. I look for any tell-tell signs of married and finding..nothing? I turn back to Natalie, but not before seeing all the single ladies in the bar checking out the mysterious man.

"Okay, you were right. He is devilishly handsome." 

"Told you! Now that I have googled what pilot uniforms look like, I think you may have found one." 

"You are insane." I say, finishing off my glass. I usually stick to one glass for these occasions, but as I go to grab my wallet out of my purse, another wine glass appears in front of me. I look at Natalie who looks just as shocked as me before I look up to the bartender.

"The gentleman just down a little requested that he buy you a drink." He says. I turn towards the man and he nods before looking down at his drink.

"Oh uh thank you." I mumble and he nods before walking down to help other customers. Natalie grabs my hand in surprise.

"Dude, he bought you a drink!" She exclaims quietly.

"I can't drink it. I'm pretty sure I'm a damn lightweight." I reply, "Plus, I'm your walk home and no way am I leaving you in the hands of a cabbie."

"Okay, here's an idea. Go over to talk to him and I'll stay here, okay? I'll call Peter to come pick me up."

"Are you sure he won't mind?" I ask, timidly. She's like my sister and Peter is like my brother and in my book, I'm not supposed to leave my family hanging. "I just can't do that to you." She grabs my hand and holds them, looking into my eyes.

"If he's a complete asshole, I can have Peter kick his ass." I smile at that, knowing that he is capable of kicking ass when needed.

"It's so funny how you and him are like my siblings, and for not being related, we sure do a lot of sibling stuff." 

"True that. Now stop stalling." She hugs me once I'm off the stool. I grab my glass and taking a deep breath, I walk over to the gentleman who bought me the drink.

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