Chapter 35: The Great Army

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Reflamen boomed over the desert, breaking the sound barrier and making sure that he was a blur to all those that looked from below. I held on to his back, using his eyes to scan the land below for the army. At that moment it looked like a huge black line across the horizon, like a grounded storm.

We had decided to scout over the army, just to get a look at what we were up against and maybe any traps Zeus had set up for us. So far there didn’t seem like anything.

We past a certain point and our speed suddenly decreased dramatically. I was using imagination to keep me stuck to Reflamen’s saddle, and it seemed to fail. All I had time to do was gasp before the wind ripped me off his back and threw me through the air.

It was all I could do not to gasp in surprise. It took me a few seconds to realise I was falling through the air, and as usual I reached out for my imagination to catch me. It didn’t work. By then I was panicking.

‘Reflamen help!’ I yelled in my dragons mind.

‘I’m coming,’ he called back.

I gulped as I kept falling, getting closer and closer to the ground rapidly. My faithful dragon suddenly swooped under me and I landed on his back with a huge “Omph!”  

Once I had gotten my breath back I looked back at the army that was coming towards us.

‘What was that?’ he said, ‘It was if I suddenly lost the ability to imagine.’


‘Me to,’ I replied, ‘But how is that possible unless…’


‘What?’ said Reflamen.

‘Unless this is a created world, but that is preposterous. I’ve been able to imaginere here before,’ I replied, attempting to imaginere a fireball in the palm of my hand.

Eventually I gave up and cast a spell of fire. It flickered to life in my hand and I quickly quenched it with a sigh.

‘I think I know what happened,’ said Reflamen, ‘I think that Zeus created a portal to another land around this area, and made the land look exactly like Australia, that’s the only thing I can think off.’


‘Yes, most probably, but this gives us a huge disadvantage,” I replied.

He hovered there for a few seconds as I contemplated what to do next.

‘Do you want to see if we can get closer?’ he asked eventually.

‘I guess, but at the first sign of trouble we are out of there,’ I replied.

He nodded and began to wing his way towards the huge army before them. The black line on in the horizon eventually began to take shape, and the closer we got the more hopeless it all looked.

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