Chapter 18

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Delilah's POV

Luke: Come outside. There's something I need to tell you.

I look out my window and see Luke standing on my front steps. He's soaked and standing there with his feet turned in, and he's biting on his bottom lip.

What does he want to tell me?

I grab a sweatshirt, pull it on, and head downstairs, taking them two at a time. I put on my hood and open the door.

The rain is bouncing off the pavement, and Luke looks freezing. His shirt is sticking to his skin, and he's completely drenched.

"Luke, come inside," I tell him.

He shakes his head and pulls out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. He hands it to me, and I slowly unfold it. The paper is already slightly damp.

"C'mon. Just come inside."

Luke looks at me with pleading eyes.

I feel like he doesn't want to come inside because of my family. He must not want to meet my family for some reason. I understand though since he doesn't seem to like meeting new people.

"No one is home. It's just me," I yell over the loud rain and wind.

He slowly comes inside and looks around when he first steps in. He runs his hand through his wet hair, which is sticking to his forehead. He's dripping wet.

"I'll get you some dry clothes," I tell him.

He shakes his head, but I go into my brother's room anyways. He's at college right now, but some of his clothes are still here. I grab a shirt, sweatpants, and towel for Luke.

He's moved up to the kitchen, and he's standing awkwardly in the entrance.

"Here. The bathroom's right there. I'll read this once you're out, okay?"

He nods and heads into the bathroom to change. He comes out a few minutes later. The shirt is a little short, and I can see the lining of his underwear since the pants are a little small too. I try not to laugh at the him in the too small clothes.

I walk into my room and sit on my bed. Luke stays standing, so I pat the spot beside me. He hesitantly sits down.

I unfold the paper again and read it out loud.

"I have to let this out, so I'm telling you. You know, for your project I guess... And because I need to tell you this. But, anyways. My girlfriend, her name was Delia, did you already know that? I can't remember if I told you that. It's a lot like your name... She died in May. It was a car accident. It was night time, and they say she was on the phone sending someone a text. She went off the road and died instantly. She would've turned 17 a week later. Just like that, she was gone."

I look over at Luke, and he looks like he's trying not to cry. He's biting his nails, and his eyes are watery. I look back at the note and keep reading.

"And everywhere I go, things remind me of her. Especially you. And that scares me. I don't think I can do anymore for your project, it hurts too much. So I'm telling you this so you have enough information to finish it. I don't think I can do anything with you anymore. I think I have to be alone, not with you or Ashton or anyone. I don't like how I'm feeling lately, and I don't want to get attached to anyone here. I think I just need to figure things out on my own. And I don't even know if we're considered friends, but I just need to be alone. I hope you understand, and I hope this is enough for your project. I hope we can all just pretend like we never met each other because it's too much for me to handle right now. I'm sorry."

I look at Luke again, and he won't look me in the eyes. I don't say anything for awhile. I don't know what to say. What do you say when someone tells you that?

Luke doesn't want me or Ashton or anyone in his life. He told me this so I wouldn't have to ask more questions for my project or talk to him anymore, I guess.

"Luke, I understand, but-"

He shakes his head quickly and covers his ears. I put my hands over his and slowly bring his hands down.

"Just listen, please. It's okay to be afraid of how you're feeling. I don't know how you feel, and I won't try to figure it out. But Ashton and I are here for you if you ever need us, I hope you know that. And if you have to be alone, you can do that. But I can't pretend like I never met you."

Luke finally looks at me, and he starts to cry. He quickly wipes it. He reaches out and hugs me, which I didn't expect. His wet hair rubs against my cheek as he pulls away.

He slowly stands up from the bed and grabs his wet clothes from the floor. He waves and heads out of my room, leaving me sitting alone.

I'm kind of stunned and confused by what just happened. I didn't expect that at all. I feel like Luke is constantly leaving me confused.

I feel sad, too. I thought we were becoming friends, maybe.

I fold and unfold the paper. I reread it again and run my fingers over the words Luke has written.

And everywhere I go, things remind me of her. Especially you.

For some reason, I remind him of Delia. I don't know if it's just because of the names or if there's more.

"Luke, wait!" I yell, quickly running out of my room. I can't just let him leave like that.

I stop short in the hallway because Luke is standing there, his hair dripping, his eyes red, and his cheeks stained with tears.

He drops his clothes on the ground and pulls out his phone to type something.

"I didn't make it very far. I forgot my socks."

"Oh, um, alright," I say awkwardly.

He gets his socks and stands in his doorway.

"I guess this is goodbye for now," I tell him from the top of the steps. He opens the door and leaves. I watch him walk down the street until I can't see him anymore.

Just like that, he's gone.

this is kinda short and since i've given you 2 short updates in a row i'm gonna try to update tomorrow if i think of something to write :)

I hope you like this, comment or tweet me if you do @singsongash

what do you think will happen?

also, i'm really busy bc school is starting soon and i have a job and extra curricular stuff so idk how often i'll be updating the next few weeks but i'll try

also a lot of you were asking about my youtube so it's callmeashley98 lol(i'm doing something really exciting that involves writing and i'll tell you guys once more stuff is figured out but it's HUGE)


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