Chapter 19

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I woke up early and decided to make us breakfast. I did the usual bathroom stuff and went to the kitchen. I took out some eggs, onions, tomato, salt, pepper, cheese, bacon, bread, and some ribs for dinner.
I cooked the bacon and chopped some of it up. I whisked the eggs adding some salt and pepper. I sauteed the onions and put them aside. I put the egg in the pot with bacon grease and a tad butter and waited for it to kinda cool. Then I added the cheese, bacon, onions and made an omelet.

I was taking the bread out of the toaster when Lucas came down.
"Good Morning baby" He said in a raspy voice, then have me a kiss on my forehead.
"Good morning" I replied as I played the food. "Go sit down at the table, I made some breakfast." I took the two plates I made and brought them to the table.
"Here" I said placing it before him.
"Thanks" he said smiling.
We sad down and ate in comfortable silence. After breakfast I cleaned up in the kitchen and went to go watch TV with Lucas.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked as the commercials played.
"We could go to the gym" He said.
"Or... Or, we could go to the fair there having around the corner."
"We could go this evening when. " He said
"That sounds great" I said.
"So that means we can still go to the gym" He said a smirk dancing upon his lips.
"Fine. We can go in an hour."

*The hour seemed to pass pretty quickly*
I went to my room and changed into a cute sports bra, a jacket, and some shorts that were a little too short. If I gotta go to the gym, then this is gonna be hell for him.
I ran downstairs and put my shoes on.
"Oh hell no" I hear from behind me.
I turn around to see Lucas shaking his head.
"You are not leaving this house like that." He said.
"Um yes I am" I stayed and walked into the car. He followed and got into the passenger side.
"If your dressed like this your staying by my side" He said
"That's what you think" I state firmly.
In five minutes we arrived at my fitness gym. We signed in and went our separate ways. When he saw I wasn't following he followed me.
"Hi Micah." I say as I see him.
"Hey beautiful." He says giving me a hug and a kiss upon the cheek. "Give me one minute let me put this away then I'm all yours. You know what to do, I'll see you in the room."

"And why exactly will he see you later. " Questioned Lucas
"Probably because he's my personal trainer" I said walking to the open area of the gym. "You can go workout you know. I'm good, plus this is what you wanted." I say
"This is not what I wanted."
"Oh so you wanted me to just sit down and drool over you working out"
"No, but it's whatever. I'll see you around then"
I put down my mat and Micah arrives.
"So first were gonna stretch. Let's touch our toes."
I touch my toes.
"I know you can do better than an that"
He goes to my side and applies slight pressure.
"Stretch as far as you can. "
I place my palms on the ground.
"Much better. Alright let's do some floor stretches"
After we finished our floor stretches it was time to do some squats.
"Make sure you get low. Bring your legs in. Now give me a squat."
He bent on one knee and said you should go as low as my knee. If when you squat your butt is not touching my leg then your not low enough."
I did some more and he got up and did the rest with me.

"Can we do the elyptical machine, please" I asked
"Yeah sure." He replied.
We went and did the elyptical for thirty minutes. Then we went to go do abdominal workouts. Then we went to lift some weights which was where Lucas was.
"Hey" I said but I don't think he heard me due to the headphones in his ear.
I lifted at most fifty pounds. I wanted to take it light.
I looked to see Lucas had taken his ear buds out of his ear and was sitting down. I went and jumped on his lap.
I looked him in the eye and then gave him a kiss on the lips.
"You mad at me? " I asked.
"No." He replied
"Mmmmmhm, so how come you won't talk to me? "
"You were busy with your trainer"
"So what, you could have still came and checked up on me"
"So could you"
"I did but you were to busy to notice"
"Sorry. Are you done with your session."
"Yeah kinda. All I have to do are my cool down stretches. Wanna join"
"I guess"
We did some stretches and I saw they were doing Zumba in the other room. I asked Micah if we could join and he want and checked out.
"If we can, Can we do this and then leave, please" I asked Lucas
"Sure. Ill be over here" He said.
I grabbed his wrist and asked him to do it with me. He reluctantly agreed.
Micah told me we could and we did.
They were doing a dance to the song Sexy. I was really enjoying the dance moves until I saw Lucas sightly upset at the guys staring at me outside. I decided to take it down a notch.

After this we went home and got ready for our evening of fun events to come

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