Chapter 15

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I woke up at noon in the comfort of Lucas arms. I got up and I looked at my phone to a series of texts from Anthony. I began to think what does he want. So I looked at my messages. There were a series of texts and a multimedia message. I opened it and was shocked at what I saw.
It was me and Lucas last night. How the hell did  this happen. I looked around my room and looked for the angles at which it was shot. A fucking camera. How did this get here. Anthony has never been to my house,  nevertheless, knew where I live. Or so I thought.
Frustrated with these  events I get dressed to go to the one person in my life who I knew I could count on. I drove to my best guy friend in the whole entire world,  Jason.
In no time I arrived and knocked on his door.

I opened the door to see him shirtless,  with a nappy hair. (Picture above)
I stood there trying to catch my breath for a second before walking in.
"Hey Angel what's up" He said.
"Shit is what's up. Where have u been this week? So much has happened these couple of days" I say as I lunge myself into his arms.
He hugs me tight as be says
"I just got back from Sacramento. Cmon let's talk about it. "
When walked to his sofa and I laid my head on his lap and laid down.
"A lot has been going on. Im dating Lucas, lost my virginity, and Anthony has a sex tape of me."
"Ok wow. How come u didn't tell me anything."
"Your not really a fan of Lucas plus u weren't here"
"Ok well how about we disect everything. Your with Lucas?"
"Sorta. Long story,  but we're trying things for the week to see how that goes."
"And what do u do after"
"I don't know. Honestly I doubt it'll last but I'm just riding it to see how things go."
"I really don't understand you. Why are you with him at all. I get that u liked him and you guys dated,  but do u really love him. Can u really say that he has been there for you. All you have is a memory that your going off of."
"I know. But it's not like my love life is going anywhere right now so what's the harm in indulging in this now. "
"Your really blind sometimes. " He says as he looks me in the eye, long enough for his words to resign on my heart. But what could I do now.
"I know. But that's life."
"No it's not,  but ok. Next let's talk about the whole virginity thing. Please tell me you did not give it to that idiot."
"Well one that idiot is my boyfriend and two I did."
"Wow. Ok. Hope you enjoyed yourself. "
"I did, it was great. "
He took a deep breath and looked up.
"Now this whole Anthony thing explain"
I showed him the video. I could see steel radiating off of him.
After ten seconds he paused it.
"I don't wanna watch that." I could see sadness in his eyes.
"Sorry. I found a camera he used. Three actually. "
I gave it to him and he hooked it up to his computer and hacked into it to find where it was being viewed. He gave me the address asked me if I needed him to go with me. I agreed.
"Before we deal with this, can we just hang out. You and me."
"You sure your boyfriend won't mind."
We sat on his couch and watched movies and cuddled all day.

I had fallen asleep. I woke up because I felt light strokes along my arm and heard Jason talking in a hushed tone.
"I don't know how your not seeing this. What is it I have to do for you to understand I love you. I care a lot about you. I've been with you for four years now. It's like your only interested in him. Why. What is so great about him. He wasn't there when u got your job or when you weren't happy with Jonathan. He was never there, yet you love him and care about him off of a memory. Hes hurt you more times you can count, why. Honestly what is it that I don't have. I have money, a great job, we live in the same state, I don't have baggage, I'm good looking. What is it? But I see what you want and I respect your wishes. " He kissed me on my forehead.

I laid there silently listening to all his words. Soaking in everything, realizing,  and feeling.

I shifted and slowly got up pretending I was asleep all this time.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"A while now. " He said
I got up,  stretched and looked at my phone. Eight o clock.
"Would you mind coming with me to check my house for more cameras please." I asked.
"Sure thing" He said.
We drove in seperate cars and made it to my house quickly.

We arrived at the house. I had texted Lucas I had company coming over so he would have clothes on. We walked in and saw Lucas watching TV.
"Hey Lucas" I said
"Hey beautiful, I haven't seen you all day. Everything ok."
"Yep" I replied popping the P
"This is my best friend Jason. Lucas meet Jason. Jason meet Lucas" I said
"Hey man. How are u" Lucas said being friendly.
Jason looked at me for a second then replied with the same energy. "Hey" And left.
Within minutes he checked the whole house and found none.
"All clear, I'll see you later angel" He said as he gave me a hug and left.
I looked at Lucas,  smiled and we watched television until we fell asleep wrapped in the warmth and comfort of each other.

Dang what is up with Jason and Lucas. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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