Chapter 5

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When we entered the bedroom he laid me on the bed.
"Want to play a game" I said.
"Does it end with me having you the way I want?"
"Then fine" I could see the slight frustration,  but maybe I was stalling.
" Ok lets play a game of just daring each other to do stuff.  If you choose not to do the dare then you have to take a piece of clothing off. Whoever ends up naked loses and basically the other person can do whatever they please with them."
"Sound good. "
"Great. You have to take your shirt off so we're even."
"You sure your not just saying that to stare at my abs?" He said with a smirk.
"No. I'll have you for a whole week,  believe me I'll be seeing plenty. " I replied smiling.
"Wow,  alright,  I'll go first. I dare you to give me a lap dance. "
"Oh. You just went there huh"
"Yep. So what's it going to be"
"I'll be right back" I said.
I ran down to the dining room,  got my phone, and got a chair to bring upstairs.
It wasn't long before I arrived back in my room.
"Sit" I demanded after placing the charge in the middle of the room.
He got off the bed and sat in the chair.
I played the song ride by Ciara.
Slowly and sensually I moved my hips to the beat. I wined my waistline to the ground and picked it back up. My hands they roamed my body as well as his. I grinded on his lap n performed one of my best lap dances.
After the music ended I looked at his face and he was flushed.
"So whatcha think? " I said as I sat on his lap.
He was speechless.
It took him a while before he replied.
"Just great.  That kinda hurts"
"I didn't mean it that way.  Just give me a second to catch my breath. "
"I know I was just messing with you.  Your face said all I needed to know. "
Lucas cleared his throat and said "so I guess it's your turn"
" Ok,  um I dare you to tell me your deepest secret."
"Ok. Um.  I cheated on you when we were together"
I backed up from him and moved myself to walk out of the room.
He grabbed my hand, spung me around,  and pinned me to the wall.
"Babe,  calm down"
"How can I calm down you,  fucking che"
"I didn't cheat on you.  I was joking,  ok.  I love you and I wouldn't do something as stupid and idiotic that would cause me to loose you. "
"Mmm that's a lie. But I get it"
"What do you mean that's a lie.  What did I do?"
"Um Lexi.  Do u not remember that whole situation."
" I didn't do anything. I called you when I realized what was happening. Didn't I"
"Yea. You did.  Just don't go making promises you cant keep. "
"I love you"
"I love you more"
"Not possible, I love you more"
We smiled at each other and laughed.
Lucas backed up and took off his pants.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused.
"I can't complete the dare.  You know all my secrets. "" Now my turn. I dare you to let me have you right now."
I started in his eyes and began taking off my pants.
"Wow. You really don't want me huh. Anyways your turn." I could see the sadness in his eyes.
" I do want you. A lot. Just not right now. "
"What am I missing?"
"Nothing, it's just I like you a lot and I don't want to rush things."
"Wow. Just lied to my face, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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