Chapter 18

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After about an hour we got up to go and put our bathing suits on. (Mine above)
We went down stairs and outside to the backyard.
"This is a really beautiful house" Said Lucas as we sat down on the chairs.
"Thanks" I said.
"How did you get it?" He asked
"That's a weird question, but I was looking to buy a house. Jason helped me find this one. It had all I wanted bit was a little more than I was willing to spend. So one day he bought me the house and gave it to me. I denied taking it, but he wouldn't budge. So finally I accepted it. " I told him.
"Wow. He bought you this whole house. What's your relationship like?" He asked
"We friends. I already told you this." I reply
"No one buys a girl a house for just a friend. You sure you know what his intentions are?" He questioned.
"We're just friends" I reassure him. But questioned what were his real motives. Was he always there for me because he was in love with me or did he recently fall for me. Ugh. How was it blind to him. Do I like him?
"Hey everything ok there beautiful? " Lucas asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah. So when are you gonna teach me how to do the flip?" I ask as I bring these large mats out for safety.
"Let's do it now." He says "I'm gonna show you how to do it. I want you to try after me. "
He showed me and after motioned for me to try. I looked behind me and turn around to try, but I couldn't.
"I can't do. "I whine
"Yes you can" He says with confidence.
"No I can't. I had the chance to learn before when I was a cheerleader, but I don't take the chance. Now I'm stuck wanting to but I can do it." I say in frustration as I sit on the mat.
"Babe you haven't tried to yet. How can you say you can't when you haven't even tried. Plus you can do one on the trampoline no problem."
"I tried once. Wayyyyy before I even met you. That didn't go so well at all. Plus you know a trampoline in way different than the ground."
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"What kind of question is that. " I say
"Just answer the question. " He says
"Ok. Yes, I do... " I reply
"Ok. Then trust that I have you and I'm not gonna let you get hurt. If you do though, I'll be right beside you." He said with a smile
"What kind of shit is that. Should I trust you or not now." I say doubt coming within
"Trust me. Cmon let's give it another shot." He says
" Can you still do a back walk over?" He asked
I showed him I could.
"Well are you scared when you do that?"
I got up and decided I would just try it. At least I have someone here to call 911 if something goes wrong.
I tried and landed on my face. OW. I got up and tried again ignoring everything else around me.
I looked to Lucas for help.
"Couple of tips. U didn’t get a enough hight and u got to tuck in so u can flip faster.  Also just jump with all your energy. But be careful cause u will lose energy after u do it a few times. "
I tried again using his tips. This time i did better. I kept going before the fear hit me again until I was landing on my feet slightly. After I turned to look at Lucas shocked.
"Fast learner" He says
I shrug my shoulders and motion for him to come here. He slowly came and I kissed him. We kiss each other passionately. His hands laid on my ass, while mine on his abs.

We were close by the pool. I slowly took his hands off my ass and a smirk laid upon my lips. I pushed him into the pool.
"Next time. Don't throw flower at me." I said as I jumped in. He went under water and got my foot. He wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Thought I was gonna pull you under, huh?" He asked
"Shut up and kiss me Luca"

We kissed once again. Our lips and tongues against each other. I could feel his member pressing firmly against me and I wanted him.
I broke the kiss to ask him a question. "You wanna go in the jacuzzi. "
"Yeah idk like that." He replied.
We got out of the pool and into the jacuzzi. It felt so good against my skin. I felt Lucas wrap his arms around my waist and slightly pull me on his lap. I could really feel his boner. I started to grind myself against him. His hands moved to my breasts as he cupped them. I stood up, untangled myself from the stars of my bathing suit and took it off completely. I turned to look at him and I could see the list in his eyes.
I got back on his lap, this time facing him. We kissed as his hand played on my breasts. I took my hand and took him member out and began stroking him as we made out. I wanted him. I needed him, to feel him inside me. I stopped stroking and got on him. I felt my walls clench around him as he filled me deep. I went up and down against him. It felt so good. We moaned out in pleasure. He continued to kneed my nipples between his fingers as I moved along him. I felt myself coming to and I held him tight against me. He picked me up and set me along the seating and thrust withing me. It felt amazing as we both came together. He continued to thrust and it was amazing.
He pull out and sat beside me.
We looked at each other and smiled.
"I love you" We aside to each other in unison.
We got up to go and take a shower.

"Wanna take a shower with me?" I asked as I ran the water against my skin.
"I was hoping you would ask." He said walking to meet me in the shower.
I bent over in front of him to reach for the soap bottle.
I could hear him hiss behind me.
I put the soap on my rag and hand the soap to him. I put the soap all over my boobs and turned around to face him as the water and soap dripped from my nipples.
His eyes lingered upon my beast before he said.
"I was trying not to do this, but it seems like I'm gonna have to." He pressed me against the wall, picked me up, and went in me.
"Fuck" I said. He began fucking me. With every thrust I felt closer. He was my drug and I needed him. He filled me once again with pure bliss.
We finished our shower and ordered pizza for dinner.
Today was great.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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