Chapter 16

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I woke up face to face,  with eyes looking at me. We smiled at each other and got up.
"Do you wanna go out for breakfast" Lucas asked
"Sure,  I'd like that." I replied.
I walked upstairs brushed my teeth and changed. My phone dinged so I looked at it.
Anthony: Meet me at twelve for lunch to discuss the video.
Me: Ok
After I replied I quickly texted Jacob
Me: Anthony texted me about meeting him to talk about the video. 12 of clock.
He instantly replied
Jacob: ok. Why don't you just talk to your boyfriend about it.
Me: Jay cmon.
Jacob: Fine. I'm working today so I'll ask Marcus to go and check his house out while you meet. If you need anything let me know.
Me: Thanks

I walked to see Lucas and we left to IHOP. When we arrived, we got seated pretty quickly. Our waitress was a big fan and wanted a picture with him. Soon there was a long line of people asking to take pictures and for his autograph. It was eleven thirty so I told him I had to step out for a bit and walked to the restaurant to meet Anthony.

I arrived at eleven fifty and saw him sitting down. We made eye contact with each other and I began making my way to the seat.
"Hello Anthony" I said
"Hey baby. No kiss" He said with a smirk.
Unamused by him I said coldly
"Let's move on with this shall we"
"Oh, but why don't we take our time. Now let's eat and have a good time with each other"
"That ship had sailed."
We ate as he talked and told me that in order for him to not upload the video I would do whatever he asked.  He also explained that he has a hard video of it on his flash drive so if I tried anything he would still have a copy. He said he would delete it off his phone just to show he was nice. It seemed like forever until I saw a text that said all done.
I excused myself and questioned further.

Marcus:I found a flash drive and deleted it. Deleted it off his computer, and cloud. There is no way he has anything. If he tried his whole computer would crash.
I went back to the seat told him good bye and left. Outside waiting for me was Jason.
I got in his car.
"What are you doing here" I asked.
"You couldn't possibly think I would let you do this by yourself. I'll always be here for you." He replied with a smile.
"Thank you." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I thought you had work though" I said
"I did. Had to make sure everything was good with you. "
He drove me back to IHOP to see Lucas.
"Bye angel. I'll see you later"
"Bye Jason." In wave goodbye as I walk into IHOP.
There is a long line inside. People are still trying to take photos an get autographs. Is this what it's like to date a popular model and actor.  Do I really wanna go through this all the time.
Lucas and I made eye contact and he mouthed "I'm sorry".
I shrugged my shoulders and texted him.
I'm going home. I'll see you when you get there. Good luck.
I watched as he checked his phone, looked at me, and replied.
Lucas: Wait,  we still have not had breakfast. I'm sorry about the fans, I can't disappoint them.
Me: I know you can't disappoint them. Don't worry about food,  I ate already. Bye.
Lucas: Bye I'll see u later then
I looked at the text and went outside to wait for an Uber.
I was really hoping to spend time with him. I thought just maybe he would be done when I got back. And then he let me leave,  what kind of idiot let's his girlfriend leave. I thought maybe he changed but I guess not.
Finally the Uber driver pulled up and took me home. Once home I got I into my car and drive to Jacobs job.
It was easy to get in since everyone knows I know him.
I took an elevator to the top floor and asked Samantha if he was in a meeting. He wasn't so I walked in.

"Hey Jay." I said approached his desk.
"Angel. What are you doing here. I thought you were spending the day with your boyfriend." The last part said in disgust.
"I thought so too,  but his fans are very important to him and he can't disappoint." I replied showing emphasis on disappoint.
"Your the one who wanted to date him. Now why are you here though?" he asked.
"I didn't wanna be home.  I was hoping maybe I could help you with some work."
"You wanna help look over all these" He asked sarcastically.
"Actually yes,  I would." I said taking him aback.

We worked the rest of the day side by side.
At around five I decided to head home.

I had just walked when Lucas came in. I sat down on the couch as Lucas came in and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry" He stated.
I really wanted to ask if he really was or not,  but rather than arguing I said,
"Don't worry about it. I understand how it is. It's something I will just have to get used to."" You'll only be here four more days. I wanna spend time with you."
"I do too,  but your the one whose been busy."
"I should not be the rest of the week."
We smiled and made out in the couch.
After breaking this kiss we expressed we were both tired and went to bed.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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