Chapter 9

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I woke up comfortable in my sheets to the sound of my alarm. I quickly got up and looked at my surroundings. 

Was he really here last night I thought. Maybe it was just a dream.

I got out of the bed and moves to my dresser to pick out my undergarments and to my closet for my outfit.
I decided to wear a blue lace matching lingerie, a black little pencil skirt, a white blouse, n my sexy heels.

After picking my clothes out I hope in the bathroom for a quick shower.

After getting dressed I finally open my door to head down stairs. As soon as the door is open, I can smell the smell of pancakes.

So it wasn't a dream huh. I walk slowly down the stairs and in kitchen.
There in my kitchen was Lucas making pancakes,  bacon,  and eggs. He's wearing an apron and some shorts,  and jumping back from the bacon stinging him.
I let out a small chuckle,  and he turns his head.
"Good morning baby girl" He says as chipper as ever as he walks towards me.
He kisses me tenderly and leads me to the dining room.
"How was your sleep?" he asks as he walks back into the kitchen.
"Great. How was yours?"
"Pretty good. You ready to eat? " He asks as he brings two plates into the dining room.
"Yeah. When did you learn to cook?"
"A while ago, I can't just live on fast food,  you know what that will do to my body." He answers as he walks back to the kitchen.
"What would you like to drink,  orange juice?"
"I don't drink orange juice babe."
"So why do you have some in your fridge? "
"My friend loves it"
"So what you you like to drink then. "
I got up and went into the pantry for a water bottle
"This is good."
"I could have gotten it for you,  you know. "
"I know."
We both went back to the dining room and began to eat.
"This is amazing, baby.  Your really great at making pancakes. "
"It was pretty easy. Thanks though"

After we finished eating we got up to clean the kitchen.
"Babe I got this. " He said
"You cooked, I'll clean" I replied.
I put on a long plastic rain poncho and began washing the dishes.
"Should I even ask" He said,  amusement showing upon his face.
"I always seem to wet myself somehow when washing dishes. I don't want to get anything on me"
Within minutes I finished cleaning the kitchen.
I walked out into the living room to him watching TV.
"Question babe"
"Yep" He say as he looks at me
"If your staying for a week your gonna need some clothes. Need some money to get some clothes or something?" I ask as I hand him some cash.
"No. And please don't ask me that again" He says as he takes my cash
"Oh Mr hot shot it too big to let me give him money huh."
"No. I just want you to keep your money. "
"Then why did you take my cash. Give it back then"
I could see a smirk twitching along the side of his lips.
" You gotta dance for it"
I smiled and began twerking besides him as he threw money at me.
"All right done.  Pick up the money and put it on the entertainment stand. I've gotta go to work love you. " I say as I start to hear out.
"Woah,  Woah,  Woah"
I turn around and ask him "what"
"Your going to work dressed like that" He questioned
"I'm literally wearing a shirt and a skirt.  Dont think just because we're dating you can tell me what to wear or not. "
"I'm not saying that, it's just,  you look fucking hot. How do they let you work in that outfit,  I wouldn't be able to concentrate. "
I walked towards him and pleased a quick kiss on his lips.
"I love you. "
"I love you too. "
I smiled at him and wispered in his ear
"Maybe when I get home you can help me out of these clothes. " "Bye" I said as I left to my car.  I got in and begun my drive for work.

He cooks and is willing to clean. Either keep him or figure out what his catch it.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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