Chapter 11

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After 25 minutes Mark came into my office.
"Came a little early, so we could make it on time. "
"Great" I replied and we left to the meeting room.
I sat in my chair and watched as everyone else filled in.
Let the meeting begin.

* An hour and thirty minutes later*
"Great job everyone. Seems like the project is done. It was a pleasure working with you all. " I said before leaving.

"What do you wanna do for lunch" I asked Mark

"Ooh how about the burger shop down the street. "
"Sounds great to me. Let me text Charlotte to see if she's on break yet"

Me: Hey girl.  You off yet
Charlotte: Waiting for you guys.

"Alright let's go" I said to Mark.
We arrived downstairs and saw Charlotte on her phone taking a picture.
"U ready,  or do you still need time" I asked.
"Shut up,  let's go. "
We walked down to the burger restaurant in comfortable silence. We arrived and got our seat and Mark told her everything.

"What Tori.  I can't believe you." She said as she smiled wildly.
"Thanks a lot Mark" I said sarcastically.
"No problem" He said.

We continuued to talk about work, relationships, and more.
I looked down to see who had texted me.
"Oh shit" I said as I looked at my phone.
"Everything ok?" Mark and Charlotte asked in unison.
Anthony just texted me.
"What. What did he say? Did you tell him?" Questioned Charlotte.
"No,  I didn't tell him.  I wasn't exactly expecting to get in a relationship yesterday."
He texted hey,  how come we haven't texted in a while. Wanna go out this Saturday.
"He just added all the questions in didn't he." Said Mark.
"What are you gonna reply. "

I began texting him

Hey Anthony. Your right we haven't talked in a while. Unfortunately,  I am currently in a relationship at the moment so we cannot go on a date this Saturday. It was fun though spending time with you. Sorry.

"What the fuck. Tori,  your not texting your professor. Gimme your phone. " Charlotte said as she grabbed my phone.
She typed
Hey Anthony. I got a boyfriend so no.  Nice knowing you.  Bye.
"You make me sound so mean. What if I wanted to hook up if this whole relationship thing does work out."
"Girl there are plenty of fish in the sea. "
"Ugh. Let's go back to work. "

What is up with this Anthony dude?
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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