Chapter 1

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Camile's POV:

I was walking over to my friends apartment. You might know my friends, because they are internet famous. Have you ever heard of, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Matt Espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Shawn Mendes, Carter Reynolds, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Aaron Carpenter and Mahogany Lox? Well because that's the Magcon Family.

Yeah, I get hate for being their friend, but do you really think I care?

I don't.

Well here I am.

"Helloo!" I yelled as I walked through the door.

"Hi!" Nash answered.

"What's up Cami?" Cam asked. My nickname is Cami because there can't be two Cams.

"You know, the usual. Haters at school, annoying parents," i answered.

They nodded, they all know about the stupid haters.

The rest of the guys walked in the door. When Shawn entered, I instantly felt butterflies. Yes, I have a huge crush on Shawn. But who said we would ever date? No one.

This is gonna be a good night.


It is now around 8 o'clock.

"Is anyone else bored?" Jack G asked. We all moaned in agreement.

"Hey let's watch a movie!" I suggested. They all agreed and we started watching The Avengers.

I loved Marvel movies. When the big battle with the guys from the other dimension started, I was sucked into the movie.

"YES! Black Widow is a badass!" I shouted. The guys chuckled while I kept watching.

"Gurl! Your crazy!" Matt mocked. I got up and walked over to him.

"Hi." He said. I punched him into the shoulder. And that's when I heard,

"SMACKCAM!" Taylor yelled, and I was hit in the face with whipped cream.

"Oh you idiots!" I yelled. I ran to the kitchen and got a handful of whipped cream. I ran out behind Taylor, and Carter

shouted at Taylor, but it was to late, he had whipped cream all over his face. I was laughing so hard.

Next thing I know, I couldn't see. Someone had covered my eyes with whipped cream. I was being carried somewhere.

"Hey! Put me down!" I shouted. But the arms I was being carried in, didn't even budge. I was put in a chair, and the whipped cream was pulled off my eyes. It was....

========================= hey everyone! I bet no one is reading this! Well, shit. :)

So this is the first chapter. Who do you think it is? I dunno?☺☺


Other than that,

Flying Piggy Away!

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