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The passed three days had been bliss. Not only was I feeling stronger and healthier and it sure was amazing not having random bursts of pain in various parts of my body, but also, my mates were super amazing.

We'd grown closer than ever, I think the fact that they found me in a puddle of water and shards of glass, unmoving and not breathing not only scared them to death, but made them want to spend as much time with me as possible, even though I told them we have the rest of our lives to do that.

We'd talked, gone out on various dates, all together, and it's been a blast. Now though I was wondering what I would do for the rest of my life outside of showering my mates with love.

At the human age of 20, I realize that I should find something to occupy me, something normal and non magic. Which is why I was sitting with a laptop my lovers bought me and looking into various carriers. Tristan had been on me about going back to school and getting with the times since things have changed since the last time I got my education. I was going to do what he asked. Sue me.

I soon realized that I had managed to go from scrolling through a list of requirements for the job of a teacher to looking at pictures of baby animals when there was a sudden knock on the door.

I shot up and ran for it. Theodore greeted me with and smile and I gave a chuckle.

"Hello, there." I said and motioned him inside. His white hair was tied back into a bun and he was rocking the casual look of faded blue jeans, white v neck shirt with plain black shoes.

"You doing anything?" He asked looking around.

"Nope, just, you know, looking at jobs to be interested in." His eyebrows shot up as I lead him into the kitchen.

"You're going to school?" He asked as I offered him a drink.

"Yeah, you know how it is," I chuckled awkwardly. "I'm going to be here a while so... I may as well." He rolled his eyes.

"How's that going for you then?" I smiled.

"I was looking as baby animals." Theodore laughed then.

"That is very normal, animals are the best." He drank his cola. "Maybe you could look into being a veterinarian."

"Sick animals are sad." I frowned at him.

"Yes, but you will make them better so they can be cute again." I squinted at him.

"That's actually not a bad idea." I nodded and made note to look into that. "So, why are you here?" He leaned onto his hand.

"I was bored." I blinked at him a few times and he chuckled. "I'm allowed to get bored."

"I find it hard to believe, where is Winston?" Theodore looked down then and sighed.

"He's trying to convince the kids to come home." He said softly. "Since the pack broke up," he chuckled and rolled his eyes, "the kids went off to try and start a new life with Claude."

"Oh," I said unsure of what to tell him.

"He feels they are being ridiculous, they can build a new pack where the old pack was." He huffed.

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