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The three of us were cuddling. I wasn't much into cuddling, I usually liked having my own space but for my mates, that was something I couldn't deny them.

The past four weeks had been wonderful, we were getting to know one another and picking at their brains made me happy, watching them express themselves about their passions, their fears, it brought me a sense of purpose. The more I found out about them, the more they knew about me, it brought us closer and finally Tristan and I could talk through the mind link.

"So, out of all your friends, who was the craziest?" Tristan asked me as I stared at the ceiling. Victor was cuddled into my side, as large as he was he made it work, his eyes closed and his breathing soft I was convinced he was sleeping. Tristan was on my other side, looking down at me, drawing patterns into Victor's bare arm.

"Lisa," I said after much thought and smiled at the memory of the woman I knew centuries ago. "She had a way with men and vaults." I laughed thinking about it, it made me giddy and excited funny enough.

"How so?"

"Well," I said feeling the need to brag about how awesome she was. "She was beautiful and she owned it. She was most wanted in so many ways," I chuckled. "Men wanted to bed her, the police wanted to arrest her. She was known for seducing rich men, tricking them into believing she would marry them or sleep with them, she was a brilliant con artist, or rather, men were just too gullible and horny."

"I think I like this woman." I laughed at Victor's sleepy comment.

"Well, she and I met on the road, it was dark and she was...well, she was getting rid of a body," I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, you were an accessory to murder?" Tristan gasped, his eyes wide.

"I was young and truly she did the world a favour," I furrowed my brows, "truth be told, I still don't know who it was she was getting rid of." I chewed on my lip suddenly curious.

"That's even worse, poor guy doesn't even get acknowledged." Tristan tisked.

"Oh shut it." I snorted. "But, yeah, she was crazy and awesome. It's too bad she ended up jumping off a bridge." I shrugged and Tristan gapped.

"What? All of that and she commits suicide?"

"Yeah, I remember her saying..." I squinted thinking back to her last words. "Something like, " the brightest smiles, dear friend, hold the most sorrowful of songs" yeah, that's what she said." I smiled at how dramatic the whole thing was, how she was rather.

"So, she robbed banks and rich men, obviously meaning she lived lavishly and then she jumps off a bridge. Whatever is that?"

"In all fairness, her lover had left her for another."

"She got dumped too!?" Tristan sat up looking at me. "What even is this!? I can't even! Why is her story so...sad?"

"It wasn't sad," I argued sitting up and Victor groaned pulling me back down and burying his  head in my armpit and sighing. "It was fun, she had many great days, many memories of life and youth, the sadness of losing her lover, doesn't make her story sad."

"Who are you? Why do you think this way?" Tristan deadpanned after raising his head to look me in the eye making me laugh at how serious he looked.

"But seriously, she was smiling as she told me goodbye and she jumped knowing she was in for an even bigger adventure!" I claimed excited and happy for her. "Death is not the end." Tristan gapped at me and blinked slowly before shaking his hands in the air.

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