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Three Years Ago...


I walked down the alley way, minding my own business, my scalp itched like crazy, I probably had lice which would make sense, I live on the streets and have no access to modern hygiene regiments.

I whistled to myself because it was a beautiful day and honestly, I was very happy, I'm always happy despite my circumstances, I had no reason not to be considering how I had food to eat everyday and shelter if I needed. So, yes, I can be happy despite not having money or a house because at a wave of my hand, I can provided for myself without any stress or strain.

The perks of being whatever I was.

It was getting dark as the sunset, the stars would be out tonight, clear and shining brightly, I could always sense these kinds of things. Everything in nature called to me, it felt like I was connected to it in a way different from everyone else and it made me happy knowing this.

Anyway, I was walking and whistling when I lifted my hand, sparks of yellow emitted from my palm before a fruit materialized, a ripe pear, fat and juicy. I sunk my teeth into it and moaned as the juice dribbled down my mouth to my chin. I loved fruits of all kinds really, they were the best kinds of snacks.

A soft whimper could be heard and I paused swallowing my pear. Half of it still in my hand, I turned my head towards the sound to see a young girl crouched behind a dumpster, clutching his stomach. I frowned and crouched.

"Hey, there kid." I said to her softly. "You hungry?" She nodded, her black head of hair bobbing. I looked at my half eaten pear and it began to fill the half I'd already eaten, I offered her the fresh fruit and she grabber it without question before running away and I sighed.

It was a sad sight to see, how people, no matter how young, could have w hard time believing that anything was given to them out of kindness,especially here, on the streets, where so many unfortunate souls dwelled. I stood then and smiled with a nod before continuing my walk. As fortunate as I was with my unknown powers, I never missed a moment to help those who needed it more than myself. I felt that, I have the tools to do good, to help so why not do good and help a few souls?

Then I heard a scream, a sharp shriek that pierced the peace I had been surrounded in. I ran towards the sound to find something absolutely cringe worthy. A man was on his knees, yelling into the sky while a girl, probably in her early teens held his head, her eyes were glowing and I recognized it. She was using her powers, it was something that often happened to me as well when I did something extraordinary.

"Hey!" I yelled at the girl and she stopped, the man was a corpse, dead and his skin ashes and tight, his mouth frozen wide. It looked so decade. I nearly vomited. "What did you just..?" I haunched over and emptied my stomach because there was also a smell so repugnant, I couldn't hold back.

The girl inched towards me, her eyes a bright blue, the entire eyeball was this colour and I held my hand out in defense.

"I meant no harm, please!" I begged her before she lunged at me. Her hands collided with my face and something happened. Right before my eyes I saw flashes of moments, words were exchanged and faces I could have sworn I've never seen before were right before me. It happened within seconds, but for me it felt like forever.

His hair was half black and half white, his sparking blue eyes were taunting as they stared into my blue eyes with yellow specks. He was powerful and he knew it,he abused it.

"Elijah," I said, "Doing this won't make anything right again." I told him calmly. "Fate willed it and so we should stand aside."

"And let out people die?" He asked me just as calmly,but his eyes were filled with a fire that burned brighter than the sun. "I cannot sit idly by and watch my kind come so close to extinction."

"You cannot save everyone."

"I can at least try." He turned away from me and I balled my fists in anger.

"And whose deaths will take their place?" I asked loudly and he paused. "Balance, Elijah, is what we are meant to keep, you cannot save a life without giving up another, that is how it goes."

He did not say anything, instead he kept walking.

I gasped out in agony as my brain felt like a thousand nails were being forced in as other images came and went, as more words were exchanged and arguments ensued.

We sat around the table and watched him smirk. His blue eyes were extra bright today.

"This is the only way." He said and I could just tell that he was lying to us. "We need to stop the world from being consumed by this darkness, and the only way is for us to learn to love again."

"I know how to love, " Theodore argues with a pout, "I don't need to be with my mate to know how to do it. "

"Mercy, friends, without love we have lost sight of what mercy truly means and we need to get that back. Our own isolation has brought us here and we need to undo it."

"You brought us here, to your personal hell and as a result this occurs and suddenly it's our fault?" I asked him standing. "That is pitiful, Elijah, even for you." I stared into his eyes. "If anyone is to blame, it's you. Be a man and own that."

The scene changed to green plantation's and forestry so thick, I couldn't see through it. A man was beside me, naked as the day he was born,holding me as we cuddled under the brightening sky.

"We must go," I told him and he hummed, kissing my shoulder.

"Just a little longer. " I giggled as he held me against him and my naked body caressed his. He moaned into my neck as his hand travelled down my back.

"Thaddeus," I called him, "I love you."

"Not more than I love you." He stared into my eyes, his green orbs were so bright, so full of love I felt so happy, I was in a state of euphoria.

And it ended just as soon as it began because he screamed and I stared. His mouth opened wide and he groaned, he began to lift into the air.

"Thaddeus!!" I wailed and a laugh came from the trees, I looked on to see him. He had his hands directed at my lover and he drained him before my eyes. Thaddeus' corpse fell to my feet, skin tight over the bones and mouth wide, he was in the foetal position. I cried over my lovers corpse.

"Now, how about I reunite you with your lover, Alexander?"

Tears steamed down my face as all these thoughts, no, these memories came streaming into my mind. I took hold of the girls wrists and yanked them away and stood. I stood and glared at her with a hatred so fierce her own glowing eyes faded. My eyes I could tell shone yellow and I held up my hand to her and thrust her into the wall. She groaned and gasped as I kept her there.

"You waste your potential on evil." I told her coldly. "When you can do good." I held her through with the air and she gasped and struggled. "Now, you shall die for all the lives you have taken." Then I twisted my hand and her neck snapped. She fell limp in the air and I let go,her body crashes into a dumpster and I panted before leaning back against the wall behind me.

I remember, I know who I am, rather who I was. Alexander Shei, 6th member of the Caster's Council, and I'm free from Sanctum.

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