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I watched them, grasping my chest and looking around. I felt disoriented and lost, for a moment I had been in darkness, I had been so close to death.

"Alex?" I snapped my head up to see a brunette and golden brown eyes. "You with us?"

"What did you do?" I asked him softly before looking down at something gold and cold on my chest. I sat up, breathing slowly and touched it. It was a simple gold chain and as I looked closer I could see weird writings on it.

"We saved you." Gabriel said closing his book and inching off the bed. I looked up and Theodore was beside him, smiling gently and wearing red from head to toe. Weird.

"You messed with balance." I said letting the chain go to glare at them. "I was meant to die this way...why couldn't you just let me!?" In my frustration, I yanked the covers off of me and stood, I stumbled a bit a my head felt heavy. "Couldn't you for once just do as I asked and let me be!?" I tired to focus on Theodore who sighed. I cursed and sat down.

"There is no need for you to die, not yet."

"And who are you to decide that?"

"Your friend." I pursed my lips breathing heavily. "Death is not your fate. You have barely lived, barely loved. We couldn't just stand back and watch you throw that away."

"It wasn't your choice to make." I said through clenched teeth, I felt very nauseous.

"Maybe, but your mates..." Gabriel said. "They didn't want to see you die." I felt like my heart was reaching out and I touched my chest to calm the damned thing. "Give life a chance, Alex-"

"I told you to stop shortening my name." I grumbled and they chuckled.

"Alexander." Gabriel corrected with a roll of his eyes. "It isn't your time yet." Theodore came over and sat down. I evened my breathing and closes my eyes allowing my body to settle itself.

"Look at it this way," he said softly once I opened my eyes to meet his. "With this extension, do what you've always done." I glanced at Gabriel. "Save casters, help set them on their paths. Do what fate wants you to do to make up for cheating." He rolled his eyes at the last word and I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"So, how does this work exactly?" I asked touching the chain and Gabriel stepped forward.

"You can't ever take it off." He said seriously. "It is a talisman of life, it keeps you looking healthy and feeling strong, it hold magic connected to us." I looked between both of them.

"So, you're sharing your magic with me? To keep me alive?" They nodded enthusiastically with wide grins. "But you lost your magic." I said to Gabriel who shrugged.

"True, so I guess, you're sharing Theo's...and Linus." I sighed and shook my head. "I really just provided the tools to do this." Gabriel shook his book and grinned.

"You guys are dorks." I snorted.

"You should be thanking us, not flattering us," Theodore said flipping his pony tail and I laughed.

"Now, can we stop not trying to be friends again?" Gabriel said crouching down to meet my gaze. "I miss being friends." I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"We will always be friends, Gabe." He squinted and shook his head.

"If we can't shorten your name, don't shorten ours." He rolled his eyes. "Gabe, why does that not sit well with me?" I laughed.

"I like being called Theo, I'm not as particular as you two." He stood then and sighed looking at his watch. "Now, I have to go."

"Same, Harkin is-" his phone rang and he rolled his eyes and nodded. "Just on time." He smiled. "My baby calls." Then he answered the phone, before he could even say hello he disappeared.

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