chapter 22

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(Anne's pov)
Its finally new years eve! We're at Cole's cliff, and we just watched the sun set. Everyone split into their groups. It was me, gil, cole, Billy, moody, diana, ruby, Jerry, and Charlie in our group. We were all sitting in a circle, I was next to gil and diana, who was next to moody, Charlie sat on the other side of gil, ruby and Jerry were sitting next to moody and cole and Billy were in between Jerry and Charlie.  Cole and Billy were in a world of their own, talking about heaven knows what. The occasional giggle leaving one of them. The rest of us were stargazing, at least I thought that's what we were doing but I soon found out that Gilbert had been staring at me the whole time. I kissed him on the cheek, and scooted closer to him.

(Billy's POV)

Oh my gosh, I haven't messed this up yet! I'm so proud of myself. I checked my stop watch and saw that it was almost midnight, hours passed by and they felt like seconds!. I let everyone know and a few minutes later we were doing the countdown. 5.......4......3....... I started walking toward cole. He turned to me, I had tripped over a stone, 2.......   I could feel myself landing on him, shit shit shit shit. 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as everyone finished the countdown, I noticed the position we had fallen in.... our lips were touching. I got up as fast as I could blushing brighter than the sun earlier today. Shit shit shit shit. Cole picked himself up and dusted his shirt off while chuckling. He turned to me. "You're blushing~" he teased. "Happy new year!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time. Anne kissed Gilbert and then they disappeared off to somewhere, probably to go makeout in a tree. Ha, that doesn't sound like them, to be honest they probably went to go make flower crowns, or recite poems to each other. Yeah, that sounds more fitting.

(Anne's POV)

Gil took my hand and led me to his meadow of flowers we sat there for a while. "Mine own precious anne, i loveth thee so
thy smarts, thy hearts, and the way thy hair parts. 
i am so lucky to belongeth to thee
and to thee i presenteth this key" Gilbert whispered as he pulled something from his pocket. It was a key with a carrot and a heart engraved into it. "Its the key to my heart, and my house so you can visit anytime you want instead of waiting outside when you can't sleep. "Oh, gil how romantic! i loveth t, and thee.  I feeleth so embarrass'd since i dont has't aught f'r thee" I replied. He smirked "your love is enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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