chapter 21

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(A/N so I'm going to change the time line a bit, after this chapter its going to be new years eve, but it will act like there hasn't been more than a day a time skip)

(Billy's POV)

Cole is staying with Gilbert, which means I really have no excuse to try and go see him often, especially with Gilbert's family, sebastian and his wife. after I wrongly accused him and treated him like the help I doubt he would want to see me snooping around his and Gilbert's homestead. I'll just have to try and catch him on his way to anne or Diana's house as often as I can. 'Oh God why am I so interested in seeing cole' there was a knock on my window. I ignore it thinking it might be a tree branch, no one would be knocking on a 2nd story window. But I hear it again, curiosi gets the bes of me and I get up to see who or what is knocking I'm surprised to see cole....'WAIT COLE!? OH MY GOD HOLD ON SHIT, DONT FUCKING LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT, OH SHIT HE NOTICED ME LOOKING AT HIM, SAY SOMETHING!' "H-hey bud.... what brings you here?" "Boredom, can I come in?" He replies, I step back and he climbs the branch through my window. "Oh, yeah I forgot, were having a new years party tomorrow at barry's pond if you wanna come. It'll be fun." He added casually taking a seat at my desk. "Ok!" I said sounding a little too excited 'shit shit I messed up' I walked over to him since I had still been on the other side of the room. And i ended up tripping over something, I braced for impact as I was sure to hit the floor, but... he caugh me 'oh my FUCKING god he has his hands on me shit shit shit shit, dont blush, dont be an IDIOT' " you really gotta be more careful, especially if you just leave things on the floor in your room like that~" he teased as he helped me stand upright. I just stood there motionless.

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