chapter 14

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(Anne's POV)

Today is Saturday, Gilbert and I are going exploring in the woods. I was going to ask Diana to come with us, then her father surprised her family with a trip to America. I doubt she would've agreed to follow me on the adventure anyway because last time I begged her she said she would just get in the way. I get out of bed, I put on my dress and an apron, and walk downstairs. Marilla is at Rachel's house and Matthew is in the barn with Jerry. I make my breakfast, eat and walk out the door. On the way to Gil's house, I stop to make a flower crown for myself. When I get there I see him waiting on his porch with a basket.

(Gilbert's POV)

I see Anne open the gate to my yard and then run towards me tackling me in a hug. I love this girl. As soon as she lets go of me she takes my hand and starts sprinting towards the woods. I am trying my best to keep up but I can't. Instead, I stop her in her tracks by pulling her hand as I stop walking and picking her up. "Can we take a break from walking?" I ask her as I lift her over my shoulder. "You're not giving me that much of a choice...." She states. I put her back on the ground then take a seat on a nearby log. "How long is this break going to last gil?" Anne pouts. "Don't worry my love, we have until the sun goes down don't we?" I answer. She blushes and sits down next to me leaning on my shoulder. "Wake me up when we can go explore." She whispers.

(Anne's POV)

As soon as my head reaches gilbert's shoulder a calming sensation fills my head. I drift into sleep easily. Gilbert's shoulder smells like pine needles i have considered filling a pillow with some before. Now i know the smell of pine will help me sleep.

(Gilbert's POV)

I don't want to wake Anne, so i pick her up bridal-style. I walk until i find a meadow of flowers, i then lay her down and take a seat next to her.  She looks like an angle. I stare at her until i notice her eyes begin to flutter open. "Good morning my lovely." i say. She blushes and sits up. My stomach growls. "Let's see what you packed for lunch mr.blythe." she says. I almost forgot about the picnic basket i had linked with my arm. She takes it and pulls out a sandwich, then passes it to me and pulls out another one. We both eat the sandwiches. Anne pulls out an Apple next and a knife. she cuts off a slice and feeds it to me. I take the apple and knife and do the same.

(Anne's POV)

After we finish eating i lay down gazing at the sky. Gilbert does the same. "What are we doing?" He asks curiously. "It's called cloud watching look that one is shaped like a bow." I point. "Oh, well that one looks like a heart." He says. I scoot closer to gil to where our shoulders are touching. "I love this moment." Gilbert says while leaning over to kiss my cheek. "I love this moment. But I love you more." He corrects his previous statement.  "I love you too gil." I respond.  I shift so I am facing him. Gilbert puts his arm around me and I scoot closer, nuzzling into his chest. I can hear his heartbeat and I can feel his breath against my head. I wish this moment will last forever although I know it won't, I wish every moment with him could last forever.

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