chapter 8

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(Anne's POV)
I was awake until dawn thinking about those two words of my Conversation with Gilbert. He really thought I was beautiful. I couldn't wait to talk with Di, maybe I could convince Marilla to let us go to Charlotte town on Saturday so cole could give me advice too. Anyway, for now, I had to go to school. I got out of bed and put on my dress and petticoat, then I brushed my hair and braided it into my usual two braids, Found my shoes which were hiding from me under the chair, and raced downstairs. "Good morning Marilla!" I exclaimed as I ate my breakfast. Then Gilbert sat next to me. "Good morning ms.cuthbert[a/n ms.cuthbert is marilla], good morning Anne." I looked over at him. "Good morning gil, I wonder what's going on in school today" I reply. I didn't want Marilla to know we were trying to set up. Both of our best friends up on a date with the other's best friend. I knew she would put an end to meddling in other people's love lives. Anyway, I finished eating, kissed Marilla on the cheek, and made my way to the barn.

(Gilbert's POV)
I finish eating and wave bye to Marilla thanking her for the meal and the temporary room. I walk behind Anne to the barn. She walks in the whole time I watch her. She goes toward Matthew kisses him on the cheek and says farewell. Then walks toward Jerry.

(Anne's POV)
"Hey, Anne what do you want for your birthday. Isn't it on Friday?" Jerry said. It was, I hug him and then hold his shoulders and pull away. "I almost forgot! Thanks, Jerry." I respond. Then say, "all I want for my birthday is for all my friends to meet in a meadow of flowers. I guess im going to have my party there. I'll give you more details after school" then I skipped out of the barn. I can't wait for Friday.

(Gilbert's POV)
I see Anne hug Jerry then stare into his eyes and hold his shoulders back, some part of me Is mad, why doesn't she hug ME? But then I remember that Jerry and Anne are practically siblings, he's always here and they talk all the time. I don't want Anne to treat me like her brother. I walk through the barn say hello to Matthew and Jerry, then chase after Anne. "Hey!wait up!" I call Anne stops walking and turns to me standing still until im by her side then we both make our way, to the Barry household I presume. "Im proud of you...." Anne says. "For what?" I ask I didn't do anything that she knew about. "Because Gilbert, now I don't have to kill you," she answers. "About that..... WHERE ARE MAH COOKIES!!!" I yell, jokingly. Anne just laughs "Im SERIOUS I WANT COOKIES!!!" I say, she bursts into a laughing fit. "I'll make them tomorrow after school Blythe." She chuckles. We reach the Barry's gate. Diana is there looking at us suspiciously she has a grin on her face. "DI!!!" Anne shouted and Diana ran up to her. "Hey, Anne, what's Gilbert doing here?" Diana asked acknowledging my existence. "I owe him cookies," Anne said casually. " im lodging at the Cuthbert household for the week while bash and marry are using my house for a honeymoon. Plus Anne owes me cookies." I nod. Diana raises her left eyebrow at this.

(Diana's POV)
I raise my left eyebrow because something isn't right. I mean a morning in the same house and they haven't married yet? I thought if they spend more time together they would... oh well. My ship hasn't even been put on the harbor, I guess its barely building.

(Gilbert's POV)
Anne takes Diana's arm, we start walking again. I see Diana glance at me like she's up to something. She mouths 'you wrote the note' i just look away trying to hide my blush then look at Anne.

(Anne's POV)
I push past Gilbert as we get to the Gillis household. I know there is only one space on a log there and ruby usually takes forever. I sit down and wait for ruby, Diana makes me scoot over so were both squished on the log. It takes about 10 minutes for ruby to come out of her house an excrexcruciatingly long time. All the while I feel a pair of hazel eyes land on me, not looking away until I jump up and run toward ruby "RUBY! Good morning!!" As soon as she gets here she says hello to me Gilbert and Diana. We continue to walk to school.

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