chapter 19

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(Anne's POV)

As soon as ms.stacey dismissed us I started gathering all my books from my desk. At least the ones with the best stories. Gilbert walked into the coat room and walked toward me with my other things now in his arms. "So what is the plan today ms.shirley-cuthbert?" He asked as I put my coat and hat on. "Well, Mr.blythe I want to find a new place for the writing club.... so I'll need your help scrapping all we can from the remains of the old one." I said. "Spend the whole afternoon wondering the forest with my favorite vegetable? What could be better~" Gilbert teased. "Gilly~ you know I dont like it when you compare me to a carrot." I pouted. "But it's my favorite name for you!" He responded blushing a bit. "Well let's get going. If I want this done sometime this week we have to recover all we can from the original fort. Which means no more flirting today mister~" I continued.

We made our way through the forest and I saw a tiny flash of red close to the ground. Stopping in my tracks I turned to see what looked like my fox. The creature slowly started approaching me. I knelt down and extended one of my arms towards it. The fox and eventually let me pet it. I turned to Gilbert who was looking at me curiously. "This is my fox, or I think it might be one of the kits. They used to always hang out near the shed we built."  I explained.  "Who was in the writing club and an I read one of the stories when we get there?" He asked. "Oh, ruby, diana, cole and myself. And As long as you dont ask who wrote it I suppose you may."I responded my fox was right next to me and I leaned down to see if it would let me pick it off the ground.

We arrived at the location of the old hideout. I set down my fox and walked around the tiny hut to see if there was any entryway now. I found one and squeezed through it. Inside there was a tiny bookshelf covered in dust and paper scattered everywhere. I saw a tiny sphere in the corner and noticed it was the head of probably the last surviving sculpture cole molded here. I grabbed it, trying my best to make sure it didn't break and found my way out of the fort.

(Gilbert's POV)

I looked at anne and what she cradled in her arms curiously. It seemed to be a model of some sort. I remember cole bought clay to school once, maybe this is where he got it. "What's that anne?" I asked. "Oh, it's one of Cole's last sculptures. He used to make them here. Before it got destroyed the hut and all the others. Just like that." She responded. "We should probably send it to him" I said. "Let's get to salvaging for now gil, then we'll decide what to do with his sculpture. I dont like to talk about that week. I had to talk someone out of something...." she recounted. "What ever you want!" Said I hoping it would change her mood.

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