Chapter 22

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This is soooooooo long, i'm tired.

The house for how early it is is already shining and i have Joan to thank for that. Paisley has her uniform on, Alaina is dressed in an adorable pink Adidas tracksuit and they are both clean, fed and ready to go but surprisingly everyone is ready early today, too early to leave the house.

Joan is finishing the dishes. I told her that there was no need and that i would start on the housework after the school run but she took no notice and done them anyway. Garry is still tucked up in bed and will be until noon and Cheryl has just walked into the kitchen all ready for her early morning interview and another day in the studio. Alaina is always ecstatic when Cheryl enters the room and Joan is happy too see her daughter too because as Cheryl walks passed her she gives her cheek a peck. I watch my family this morning with a full heart but it does feel strange without Hailie being here. I am hoping that when i take Paisley to school this morning i will see Amy taking her to playgroup because i have been worried sick about her all night.

Alaina has always been a cuddly child. As soon as Cheryl sits down Alaina tries and fails to climb up onto her lap so Cheryl reaches down for her and lifts her off the ground. "Don't you look beautiful this morning, me little monkey?" Cheryl smiles at her and Alaina nods her head and lets out a big yawn. If any of us should be tired this morning it should be me, Cheryl and Paisley. Cheryl has not stop pining for her bed since the minute she rolled out of it but Paisley woke up bright and early. She only got about 4 hours sleep but she is bright eyed, bushy tailed and can not wait to get to school.

I crouch down to sort my hair out in the reflection of the kettle and Joan laughs. "What are you getting all dolled up for, got your eye on someone at that school?" She is joking but she is not expecting me and Cheryl to find it so hilarious. We look at each other and burst out laughing and Joan looks at us like we have finally lost the plot. "Alright, its not that funny. Bloody hell"

"She has got her eye on someone actually, she has a thing for Paisley's new teacher"

"Oh shut up!" I laugh and throw a tangerine at Cheryl. She catches it and Joan just shakes her head and carries on wiping down the counter tops. It is clearly too early for her to be bothered with our silly antics this morning. Since i have a lot of time to kill i decide to sit down with Cheryl at the kitchen island and have a chat with her before she leaves. "Are you nervous?"

"For me interview?"


She shrugs her shoulders but does not stop smiling. I love when she is all happy and smiley like this in the morning. "Not really, you know. I am a bit sceptical about what questions they're going to ask us because i know that they're more interested in me personal life than me music at the minute but it'll be fine"

"It will and i'll be listening in the car on my way home from the school run"

Cheryl leans forwards and kisses the corner of my lips. "You cutie"

Still grinning like a teenager at the sweetest of kisses i have just received i watch Cheryl pulling faces back at our toddler who has a thing now for sticking out her tongue and making funny faces to make us laugh. "So are you going to go straight to the studio after your interview or are you coming home for a bit of lunch first?"

"I think i'm going to go straight over there so i can get home early again. I can't wait to get to the studio today, i really can't. Everyone seems to have got wind that i'm working on me album and looking for features so i got a few emails from artists wanting collabs but i stuck to me guns and got me first choice, Calvin Harris on a track. Lucy just text us to tell us he's sent an email and he's going to send a sample over today. I already have an idea of how its going to turn out and i can't wait for you to hear it. I think it'll be one of Paisley's favourites"

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