Chapter 20

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Could you all please give me some ideas of some storylines you would like in this fic/what you would like to see happen as this story progresses 

"Paisley can you please get up and finish getting ready for school, you don't want to be late on your first day"

I get no response so i decide to finish getting Hailie ready first before i have to force Paisley into her new jumper. I know people rant and rave about how hard toddlers are but in my opinion toddlers are easier. At least when they are fighting and fussing you can just pick them up, put them under one arm and march them to where you want them to be.

I watch the children sat together on the floor watching their morning cartoons with a load of chocolate between them. As usual they turned their noses up and the healthy food i made this morning and now they are sat with too much junk food, too much sugar and i don't have the energy in me to stop them from eating it because this morning has been difficult enough and i am sure that it is just going to get worse. Dippy eggs and soldiers has always been one of Paisley's favourite breakfasts but earlier she refused to eat anything, all she wanted was a chocolate bar and after coaxing her into taking two bites of her toast i gave into her request and gave her the chocolate she had been whining for. Paisley eats so much junk i am surprised that she is not overweight. She demolished one bar and now she is onto her second, stuffing it into her mouth and barely chewing it before reaching for her fizzy pop. She will make herself feel sick soon and then she won't be happy but then again she couldn't be less happy right now if she tried. It is her first day of school and she is adamant that she is not going.

Wiping Hailie's face clean and pulling her hair into a ponytail i can't help but melt at how adorable she looks and she looks even cuter when i slide a red bow into her hair which matches her little red jumper. Paisley is refusing to put hers on. Cheryl managed to force her polo shirt and skirt onto her and even managed to get her socks on too but like every other day Paisley is refusing to take her wellies off.

"Don't you look beautiful?" I coo to Hailie who looks so grown up but so tiny in her new uniform. "Are you going to put your jumper on too so you can take a picture with your cousin, Pai?"

"No. I'm not going to school" she says matter-of-factually.

"You know that you have to, Paisley. You will look lovely in your new jumper-"

"No i won't. I'll look like a red apple!"

"You'll look like the most beautiful red apple ever, though" Cheryl smiles walking into the living room with Paisley's packed lunch. When Cheryl tries to talk Paisley into putting her jumper on i expect Paisley to have a full blown tantrum like she did upstairs for me but to my surprise she isn't angry, she doesn't start screaming or fighting her away she starts to cry and it is a proper cry, not like the annoying whinges she does to get her sister into trouble or to get her own way. She is crying like her heart is breaking and Alaina is looking at her with wide eyes wondering what on earth is going on. "Baby, come here" Cheryl tells her and once Paisley has dragged herself over to Cheryl she is lifted onto her knee and held tightly.

"What is all this for?" I whisper, sitting down next to them on the sofa and Cheryl pushes her hair out of her face.

"I don't want to go to school" Paisley sobs uncontrollably. She is trying to stop herself from crying, i can tell but it is not working. She just cries more and clings onto Cheryl for dear life and Cheryl is trying her best to comfort her but nothing is working. It breaks our hearts when she cries like this because it is not often she does so. "I want to stay with you, Mammy"

"But i need to go to work, babe. Remember what i told you this morning? Mammy is going to make some songs to get us lots of pennies"

"I don't want you too, i don't want pennies, i just want to stay with you and Mummy"

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