It's always been you

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 Thanks to all of you that put up with me and havent given up. I have dedicated this chapter to SenaSayin for lighting a fire under my bum and motervating me to get a chapter up with her kind compliments! A shout out to my WP friends dramali and Wierdenuff4u check out their stories I promise you won't be disappointed.

Miss you girls xo


My mind filled with visions of Edward. His pale, striking face, his one sided smile, the danger that emanated from him filled me with excitement, his quiet, mysterious persona. I stood infront of him taking him in, in silence. He smiled his sexy smile as he wrapped his cold, hard fingers around my arm, I shuddered at the ice cold feel of his fingers, goosebumps formed down my arm from the chill but I was used to this feeling from his touch so it no longer bothered me. I smiled back at the man I loved... I loved him didn't I? as we stood smiling at each other I contemplated how I really felt about this boy, he hurt me really, really hurt me.

Another sensation interrupted my thoughts. A warm touch to the hand on my other arm. Soft, warm fingers intertwined with mine. Fire shot through my body, thawing the cold chill that invaded my body from Edwards icy grasp. Before even turning to see what caused this sudden change of temperature to my body I felt safe and secure. Edwards sexy smile disappeared, instead he wore his murderous glare and straight thin lips.

I turned to the cause of his obvious distaste.

There he stood all his glory, Jacob, my best friend. The boy that was was there to bring me back from the dead when Edward crushed me. My heart jumped in my throat, beating so fast I feared it might fly right out of my mouth. His eyes, so warm and loving bore right into mine. His mischievous grin, so contagious, caused my own smile to mimic his. A feeling of the saftey and comfort of home washed over me, butterflies stirred in my stomach. He always seemed to have this affect on me. Even before we became close, I always feel safe and secure in his presence.

Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

Three figures stood before us. It took a few seconds for me to realize it was a mirror and the three people were our reflections.... How long had that been there?

Something was strange about the reflections though. The tall, pale boy holding my arm possessively didn't look like Edward. The tanned, bulky boy holding my hand, stoking my thumb tenderly was not Jacob.

Confusion kicked in, what the hell was going on? I turned to Edward then Jacob. They looked like themselves. Looking back at the mirror, the importers still stood on either side of me.

"Tell him once and for all Bella, it's me you want" Edward spoke in his smooth velvet voice.

"As long as your happy Dakota, I am not going to ask you to chose between us. Just tell me you're happy with him." Jacob squeezed my hand gently then held it to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Who's Dakota?" I asked him confused.

Jacob Smiled a knowing smile then used his free hand to gently turn my head towards the mirror.

Not Everything Is As It Seems (Reconnected, finishing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now