XII: Smiles

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“So, just to be sure, you are not planning to kill me and get rid of my body because I found out about your secret, right?” I tease him with a little smile just to keep the conversation going.

“Not today. I’m wearing my favourite jacket and I want it blood-free, you see?” he jokes along and my smile widens because he didn’t take offense.

If I really want to understand Zeke I need to test him, and I don’t mean to hand him a sheet of paper with questions. I need to see how he reacts to certain stimuli so I can collect date to draw a conclusion later. This is my chance to ask all I want and actually see him with my eyes, without being scared of being caught. I don’t know if a chance like this will happen again so I better make it count.

Now I can tell he knows when a person is joking and he is not absolutely serious, as one could think, he actually has a sense of humour.

“Oh good, my friend was worried, you know? I can tell her now that she doesn’t need to track my mobile anymore,” I continue and I see Zeke’s smile.

He has a very cute smile and his teeth are straight, probably because he had braces like I did. They are too perfect, I don’t believe he was born with perfect teeth. But it’s not only that, his smile is cute because his whole face smiles, too. His eyes squint a bit and light up with amusement.

“When I actually plan on getting rid of you we’ll let your friend know, deal?”

“How generous of you, I really appreciate it.” I laugh at our joke and his smile widens, his amusement increases and I can tell because the tip of his tongue sticks out between his teeth in what almost looks like a mischievous smile.

Zeke looks so different when he is smiling, like a complete different person. He doesn’t look threatening at all and it’s even hard to remember I was so scared of him before. Yes, his gaze is intense and that can make anyone anxious, if to that we add that I saw him beating people up rather ruthlessly, it’s no surprise that my body reacted that way every time our eyes met. Before my mind rationalised what was going on, my body was ready to flee.

Right now I’m looking up closer, without curtains of prejudice, giving him all the space he needs to show me the real Zeke and he is not half as bad as he seems.

“So, where are we going?” I ask, still keeping the eye contact. I like the shade of brown of his irises, it’s warm and they remind me of chocolate.

I like chocolate.

“An orphanage,” he replies and my eyebrows rise in surprise. “Unless orphanages make you uncomfortable. I can take you somewhere else if you—” he rambles but I stop him.

“No, no, not at all, it’s just that I’ve never been to one before and I didn’t think you would take me there,” I confess honestly.

“I was gonna go there either way but I’ve been thinking about what you told me the other day and just… I was curious to understand why you reacted differently. I don’t really know why I asked you to come maybe I shouldn't have—”

Once again he is rambling and for some reason that makes me smile. It almost seems as if he is nervous and that’s… adorable. He is acting so differently from what he looks in college, but I like this Zeke far better. This situation is easier to handle because I’m not tense, all my muscles are relaxed and I’m enjoying my time here next to him.

“I’m glad you invited me to come,” I tell him and I don’t know why but my hand reaches to touch his forearm. I’ve seen this gesture before and it normally has a soothing effect.

Zeke loses his smile but keeps looking me in the eyes. “I don’t normally do this, you know?” I nod, it’s obvious that no one else know Zeke does charity in his free time. “It’s no one’s business whether I help others or if I’m the leader of some gang,” he carries on and, although I haven’t heard that rumour I wouldn’t be surprise if people actually think he’s the leader of a gang. “I don’t need recognition or whatever, I do what I do because I want to, not because it’s good to do it, you understand?”

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