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I woke up in my bedroom this morning.

Last night after my ultimate breakdown in front of Ahsab I'm sure he either sent someone to drop me at my room or he bought me here himself I doubt that though. I'm still wearing my uniform just that there's no apron and I'm not wearing any shoes, plus my hijab was loosened.

I turn my face sideways to see the timer on my bedside. It's 9:30, I missed cooking Suhoor today, Great Mama was going to kill me. Literally. At least it wasn't my duty I was doing her a favor only. I shake my head standing up because I don't want to remember the memories of last night basically I don't want to cry.

I enter the bathroom and peel my clothes of my body. I wash my underwear then wash my hair before finally talking a bath while watching 'Paternity Court' on Netflix. It takes me 20 minutes of showering, extra 10 minutes of brushing my teeth and extra 15 minutes of finishing the episode. So I basically spend an hour in the bathroom.

I exit the bathroom with my baby blue towel wrapped around my body. When I see Aliya, a relative of mine and the person I was supposed to cook Suhoor with sitting on my bed. I must look weird holding my laptop at one hand while coming out from the bathroom.

"Anan, how dare you leave all the work for us during Suhoor"she says as I drop my laptop on my bedside table.

"I'm sorry. I just had issues to deal with"I tell her clutching my towel. It was true. Breaking down because my father called after five years was definitely an issue.

"Issues that involves the Crown Prince?" she asks arms folded.

"I don't know what you're talking about"I open the drawer to carry my lotion. My body was getting dry real fast and I wasn't going to waste my time with her.

"Cmon"she says. "I saw him holding you like this"I don't look at her. "And bringing you to your room"oh so it was him who actually bought me here.

"What's your deal"I face her. She could just tell me what she wanted and I would give it to her. From where this was going she definitely wanted to blackmail.

"Nothing"I was surprised. She was probably going to tell on me, really snitches get stitches.

"You just need to be extra careful if there's anything going on between you and the Amyr"she adds and without another word leaves the room.

I was getting pissed at everyone assuming that there was something going on between me and Ahsab. It seemed like the only thing people in this palace were good at was assumptions.

Nop. No one was going to ruin my day again.

I made my way to my wardrobe scanning my eyes on what to wear I finally decided in wearing a pair of black leggings and an over sized wool sweater.

Modest in a way.

I pair it with the best kind of hijab, great material. If I was back in America I would do a turban but I was here I wasn't going to cross my limits that would add more reasons for my Mother to kill me. I can already see her insulting me in my head.

I wear my flip flops, yep I always ruin my outfit with my shoes. I didn't care though, nobody noticed and neither did I. In less that five minutes I arrive at the royal kitchen, I heave a sigh of relief when I see my mom and no adults are present in the kitchen. Thank you Allah for always being on my side.

I find something to eat and sit down on the counter and silently eat while watching YouTube.

I was almost done eating when I get a text from an Unknown Number. Come to the garden . The text plainly said.

Who is this. I text back. I was guessing it was Ahsab but it could be another person like I don't know maybe Yasser.

Ahsab obviously . He replies.

I'll be there in twenty minutes. I text him back, I wasn't going to do anything in the kitchen but I needed to catch up some more on the internet. I had so many vlogs I needed to watch.

No! Come now.

How impatient was he?. I was a little bit afraid of what Ahsab would do if I don't arrive now. I mean anyone else would be because have you met the man?.

I straighten my shirt and make my way to the garden while listening to music under my hijab. Thank you Apple for AirPods. Send me your location let's focus on communication 'cause I just need the time and place to come through (a place to come through) send me your location let's ride the vibrations I don't need nothin' else but you (I don't need nothin else but). I hum.

And thank you Khalid for existing.

"You took long"Ahsab says immediately I become visible to him. I roll my eyes, this man needs to work on I don't know something called Sabr. I pause my music and look up at him.

"How did you get my number"I raise one eyebrow. I needed answers.

"I have my ways"he shrugs lightly. I give him that look, the 'really' look. "I put it on your phone last night"he sighs and the memory of last night flashes my mind. What must Ahsab think of me now? Maybe he thinks am a cry baby or depressed.

I flinch when he places his hand on my back. Oh God Ahsab what are you doing to me. It's like my legs turn to jelly and if not for me bracing myself I would have slipped to the floor. "Relax"he brings his lips close to my ear.

I'm done for.

He leads me to the bench and we sit down. I wonder what he wants to say to me that Is urgent and needs to be discussed now. We could wait till in the night when there's no one around, not now when it's in the broad daylight .

"Do you have something to tell me"I ask him. I tell him that because I don't want to seem rude by getting straight to the point. I actually want to ask him what he wants this early in the morning.

"Rather I have something to give you"he says and I hid a smile though it was hard. He reached behind his back and fishes what appears to be a small velvet colored box. I already had an idea of what it was. He lifted the box and it revealed a bracelet. A diamond bracelet to be precise. It was beautiful

A frown appeared on my face. And an even bigger frown appears on Ahsab's face. "What?"he says. "You don't like it?"

"What? it's beautiful. Thank you. I just don't think I can accept this Your Highness."I say and Ahsab's frown grew deeper when I say 'Your Highness'. I look down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"You're going to accept this Ayesha"he says firmly. "And it's Ahsab for you"he adds plainly. I don't want to say anything else to anger him. So I keep quiet.

"I want to wear it for you, give me your hands"he orders gently and I oblige.

His fingers come in contact with my hand and oh God my heart. The bracelet is even more beautiful than it looks, it's so pretty I was sure it would shine in the darkness. I mean I guess it would. When he locks it I notice that at the edge is the word Angel very little of size. I smile.

Ahsab bends lowly and kisses my wrist. My stomach, oh no. Fireworks erupted in my stomach and I want to stand up and leave before I die at spot but I sit down because I crave for more. "Thank you"he whispers.

I should be the one thanking him.

"No..thank you Ahsab. I'm really grateful, thank you for last night, thank you for everyday before and everyday that is yet to come"I say looking straight at those beautiful orbs.

"Don't thank me you're gonna have to give me something in return"my eyes grow wide. No way.

"I'm kidding"Ahsab laughs. I love his laugh. "You should have seen your face"he continues to laugh and I roll my eyes, I seem to be doing that a lot.

"It's not funny"I scold.

Ahsab continues to laugh and I stare at him. He looks so beautiful and carefree. This man, God yes. Thank you.

"Angel" He looked at me as if I were something special. The feeling of being special so foreign it almost hurt to be looked at like that. "Can I kiss your forehead" he asks.

I nod.

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