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Ahsab's bedroom.


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Waking up the last thing I thought I'd be doing after the memory of why I passed out came to my mind.

I was in his room. The surprise causes my heart to almost go, but I braced myself.

The walls were light brown in color matching the blanket that were presently covering me up until my chest, the lights were dim and the blinds were closed, I was pretty sure if it was opened it would overlook outside.

His room was the opposite of what I thought it'd be, it was...simple.

The room wasn't illuminated by the light at all and as I sat up balancing my weight on my elbows. I slowly noticed a dark figure sitting on a chair opposite the bed.

The dark hair that blended perfectly with darkness and those intense orbs that stared at me caused my stomach to churn. I instantly knew it was Ahsab staring back at me.

My heart began to quicken in my chest for no sensible reason even though he sat still on the chair. Why was he affecting me?.

His long muscular legs were revealed as I noticed he was wearing only black boxer briefs. His broad muscular chest reveled together with his toned six pack and his ever so noticeable V-line. His sun kissed golden skin covered by little tattoos, I noticed he had a lot on his back and only and initial on his chest then some on his arm. I didn't know he had tattoos. Tattoos were haram that I was sure of, but I didn't think Ahsab cared. His tattoos looked darker in the dim light as he sat there but that didn't make him any less perfect than he always did. His high cheek bones and those luscious lips that stood under a straight nose. He was devilishly beautiful indeed, I had seen many shirtless guys back in the states due to how nobody cared but Ahsab was a different cause. His body was godly perfect, his back muscles and those veins God I was a sucker for those veins and those killer long legs. He was a mouth watering piece of man hood.

Then it dawned he was shirtless. Ahsab was shirtless in front of me. The Crown Prince was shirtless. Prince Abdullah was shirtless, only in briefs while I was on his bed. His bed.

I instantly started hyperventilating and I was finding it hard to breathe. I looked down at my self to ensure that I was wearing clothes, yes I was. I touched my head, I was wearing my hijab although loosely. The only thing I was certain I wasn't wearing when I came inside was my flops. I let out slow breaths. Thank Allah we didn't do anything, if not I'd probably commit sucide.

Rubbing my hand over a throat where his finger prints probably still marked I winced a little and cleared my throat ready to talk. The first go didn't work out and sounded pathetic but after clearing my sore throat again my voice came out hoarse was an improvement. "Why am I in here?"

His gaze didn't falter or shift and I now realized his eyes looked even more troubled than I'd ever seen before. Those orbs seemed even lighter.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice still a hoarse whisper and even though I didn't expect an answer it was still worth a shot. He looked tired and haunted and whatever that was going up in that messed up mind of his was showing in his gaze.

"Why don't you hate me anymore?"His deep voice croaked out and it sounded heavier than usual. His gaze fell from mine and rested on the floor.

"What do you mean?"I asked, I was taken aback by the question and I found that I had to ask myself the same thing. The sheets fall upon my waist as I sat up and leaned back against the pillows to get a better view up him.

"Whenever I see you out there and you glance at me, I see the hatred in your eyes-". His gaze lifted up to mine his green orbs staring back at my dull brown eyes. "You don't have it anymore. Even after what I just did to you."he paused and tilted his head to the side studying me. "I think the real question is what is wrong with you"

Now my eyes were the ones to fall in the sheets covering me. Prince Abdullah, my boss whom I was presently in his room lying on his bright sheets after he almost choked me to death in his living room. Many wouldn't want to cross paths with him due to his cold personality and lack of emotion such as remorse. I was in his bedroom alone and he was barely dressed and with his strength, he could take advantage of me or worse kill me. I knew all this was possible, he was truly a monster and someone to fear. I knew he didn't have much feelings and it was impossible to fear him, calling him all sorts of things only ignited anger I him. Anger was the only emotion he showed to me and many, and sometimes he was just distant. They were times he tried to be normal, well as normal as he could be when doing his princely duties but at the end of the day people got him angry and he would burst. There were so many things wrong with him but here I was, alone with him and there wasn't an ounce of fear in me. Maybe I was insane, maybe the problem was me because I definitely felt fear earlier.

Yep, I was insane.

Insanity after all was doing the same thing to me over and over again expecting a different result.

I felt a tear fall from my eye and I quickly wiped it away trying to hide my emotions, just like  Ahsab did but I'm no pro and he caught it. Clearing my throat because I suddenly felt like there was a lump there and I couldn't breathe. What was wrong with me?

"I-I don't know" I stammered trying to catch my breath. My eyes were rimmed with tears and I tried not let them out. It was obvious I was hurting and weak but the least I could do was hide it.

"I want you to exactly tell me what you want from me" he insisted and I shook my head because I really didn't know. "Tell me"he demanded but his voice wasn't hard as it should've been.

He rose to his feet standing at his full length. "Don't tell me you want me to change my fucked up attitude because I damn won't try a thing I know I'll fail at"

"You're hurting everyone around you, Ahsab"I tell him and not even a bit did I regret calling him by his name.

"Don't do that"he yelled and he was beyond closer to me. He was looming over me and when I looked up his jaw set hard and his face unreadable as it always was but I could see from the pained looked in his eyes that he felt something.

"What?". I croaked out. Don't cry Anan. Do not cry.

"Don't"he warned and I straightened up and cleared my throat.

"Don't what?"I challenged even though my voice was broken and soft.

"Don't. Call. My. Name."He ordered and his voice was cold and lifeless. He as trying to make me back off because of his harsh tone but I knew better now.

"Why not?". I kept going. I didn't know why I was doing. Why was I provoking him when he could probably kill me.

His eyes weren't on me but were instead on a pillow next to me. His body tensed up even more. His eyes refocused back to me and he grew angry, he was done trying to think about explaining himself.

"Fuck this, if you want to call me by name. Go ahead, I don't give a fuck. Just get the hell out of my room. I never want to see you in my life again."he growled out through clenched teeth and I found out that I was regaining my strength. I was no longer fazed by his words. I suddenly found myself sitting up and getting up front his bed. He still stood taller than me and a bored expression plastered across his face.

And I saw it, it stood there in bold fancy black letters above his left pectoral; above his heart.


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