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Throughout today I spent it with Ahsab, we got to know a lot about each other mostly about me anyways. I did most of the talking and Ahsab did most of the listening then at some point it was vice versa. Of all that the most shocking part was the fact that we, Ahsab and I lay on the bed together sleeping. Nothing intimate. We just slept. Two people underneath the same blanket not doing anything. Just sleeping.

"Anan"It was my mom. "I've been talking to you for the past five minutes, are you listening?"

"Yes, Mama"I answer, even though it was a lie.  Mama was obviously in a gloomy day today because today was the day.

5 years ago my dad left Mana City for good .

I don't know why we ever saved the date since it was nothing special but was instead the worst thing that had ever happened to us. But I guess involuntary you save the date, the day your life got ruined, the day everything you've ever achieved crumbles. Mama and I never discussed Baba, it was the forbidden word, since he left no one ever spoke a word about him. Not his relatives, not his mom. No one. Because he broke us.

He broke me. 

"Make sure you wake up early to cook Suhoor, alright?"she says. Tomorrow almost every royal was doing voluntary Thursday fast, it was always planned at least once a month everyone should agree to do a fast.

"I will"I tell her curtly.

She nods. "I know it's not your job but can you make sure all the lights are off. Good night"

"Okay, Good night Mumma"I say. We weren't close but in days like this we were because we had the one thing in common;grief.

Mumma exits the kitchen and I sit down on the counter. My life is fucked up. I decide to make my some coffee hopefully it'll make me feel better, I'm in the middle of making it when Razan comes inside the kitchen.

"Hey Anan"she says. I look up to her and flash her the smallest smile I could muster. I switched off the coffee maker and bring the cup of coffee to my lips.

"What are you doing"she asks opening the microwave, it's obvious she's about to reheat today's dinner. After I woke up from Ahsab's room, I came to the kitchen and decided to help make dinner.

"Trying to sort the provisions out for tomorrow's suhoor"I answer picking out the stuff.

"Oh you and who are cooking"she asks ready to pound into her food. It's crazy how she eats without ever getting fat, and annoying really. But I guess that's life.

"Me, Reema and Aliya"I answer and in return she nodded.

After bringing out the provisions, I pick up my phone and made my way outside the kitchen ready to switch of the lights. The rules were to switch off all the lights except for the corridors in case of emergencies.

The IPhone ringing tone filled the room and it startled me. Oh God. What if someone woke up, I hated the fact that when you had IPhone you had the same ringing tone with everyone who used apple. You could change it but everyone was always too lazy to do that including me. I wonder who was calling me by this hour of the night. It was almost 11 o'clock.

"Hello"I say as I pick up the phone. If this was Chantel or Dy. I would kill them for calling me by this hour while I was working.

"Hello"I say yet again but the person didn't answer. Who was this?.

"Ayesha"the person finally answers and I recognize the voice instantly.


"Baba"I say. My voice breaks.

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