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"What"Latifa yelped. "I'd race to marry the new Lebanese Ambassador"

I roll my eyes, the reason she made that remark was because of what I said, I told her that I just didn't find the Ambassador that handsome. In my opinion I'd seen better and by better I mean Ahsab, just because he's an ass that doesn't make him any less handsome.

"You can't see well, then"she says yet again. She was currently escorting me to the kitchen because today the Allegiance council had a meeting and it was obviously conducted at the Palace but at the Office Villa which was bigger than the Palace wing itself.

I wonder how Ahsab felt about the meeting, it was obvious he didn't like most of them or maybe all of them and today he had a meeting with them, it wasn't their first meeting but this was the first meeting after they showed they clearly didn't want him to be king next.

"To You isn't everyone hot"I shook my head but didn't stop my steps. Latifa let out a light chuckle.

"What"she asks rhetorically. "Don't blame a girl who is locked up, my hormones are all over the place"

"Clearly"I mutter. She punched my arm lightly and when we reach the door of the kitchen she swiftly gave me a side hug before walking away. Queen Ameera had told them that they shouldn't be going to the kitchen if they wanted to see me, they should visit me at my room instead.

Don't ask me why.

As I enter the kitchen the aroma of food immediately hit my nostrils and I instantly knew I was late. Instead of checking my phone for the time I roamed my eyes to the wall to see the time.


Yep! I was late .

We were supposed to start cooking by 1 o'clock and I was thirty two minutes, thirty two freaking minutes. I walk slowly before halting a stop in front of the gas cooker, thank Allah, Mama didn't notice me if not she'll just start off complaining about how I was a disgrace to the family.

After two hours we were finally done with the food. We made so many meals especially traditional meals.  I was so exhausted the only thing I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up. But that meant dying so nooo....

"I'm so hungry"Hafsa cries. I shook my head and stared at her like a little girl. That was just how Hafsa was every time she was hungry she would always cry not walk but then you would see tears coming out of her eyes.

"Cook Mac and Cheese for us Anan"she faces me. I was hungry too all the food that were set right in front of me just made my stomach growl. So I decided to do it while Hafsa would make tea for us. It was three and we were taking tea, don't ask we're Arabs.

After another thirty minutes we were already done with our Mac and Cheese and Tea. We talked while eating before we finally decided to go and pray before the time for prayer passed. I left Hafsa in the kitchen to wash our dishes because as Mama said we were adding more work to the maids by cooking our 'stuff' so we had to wash our dishes. And obviously, being the nice person she was Hafsa volunteered

Walking out of the Royal wing I saw Yasser standing there. God knows why, it better not to talk to me cause I sure didn't want to talk to a psycho, I walked fast wanting to avoid him.

"Anan"he says. I continued walking "Anan, can we talk?"he says stepping in front of me. What did he want to do? Strangle me? Why the hell was he standing in front of me, he better move because I don't care I'll throw a chair at him.

"I have to go pray, it's getting late"I tell him trying to get away but he stepped in front of me yet again. "What the fuck"I yell. I wasn't one to swear but when it comes to him I easily lose my temper. "Get out of my way"

"Just two minutes"he breathes calmly. How the hell wasn't he offended. Then he gave me that look, am sorry but I couldn't resist that look it was just so....I don't know...real and sincere.

"Two minutes"I confirm.

"Why don't you want to marry me"he gets straight to the point. Why was he like this?. I didn't even know him.

"I don't know you"I answer curtly, my arms folded. Yasser breathes and I noticed the eye bags under his eyes I wonder why he had those. Unlike me, he had a lot of time to himself, to sleep.

"Exactly"he says. "Then why are you quick in judging me, why won't you get married to me?."

I sigh. "It's not you, Yasser. I just don't want to get married, at this point"

It was true. I had so many things I wanted to fulfill in my life, so many dreams, so many wishes, so many aspirations. I wondered how I could have one thing as those three but I did, my wishes, my dreams, my aspirations were all one thing.

Happiness, a thousand times.

"I hope I can change that"he lightly smiles. I wonder if he knew the broken girl that was beyond this image if he would still want marry me, but I guess that would be forever left unknown.

"I hope"I whisper before walking away. This time he didn't stop me.

After praying, I decided to go my usual place for thinking also my favorite place in the Palace :The Garden. I sat down on my favorite bench and closed my eyes for some reflection just imagining a life I longed to live. While sitting I scented the musky scent of a certain person.


I opened my eyes to see Ahsab sitting right next to me on the bench, he was wearing his usual thobe, obviously, I just realized I've never seen him with a suite except in picture. I bet he'd look much older.

I look up at the sky turning away from Ahsab before he caught me staring, but am sure he already did. Through my side eye I noticed as Ahsab pulled out a lighter and a cigarette ready to light it.

"Don't smoke"I had to talk okay, I had to. If I didn't maybe God will hold me account for it especially the fact that he was a Muslim and he smoked a hella lot.

"Fuck off"he gruffly says placing the cigarette against his lips.

So attractive yet no manners.

"Why do you have to be so rude all the time?"I ask trying to prevent the anger that was about to explode.

"Because that's who I am, Angel"he simply says. "And I damn as well wont change myself for anyone"

I kept quiet. Honestly I didn't want to push him, I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to say anything.

"Do you ever wonder"I turn to him and I watch as he inhaled his cigarette before exhaling it. "How your life would be if you were just born another person, if your fate was another persons. Do you ever look at someone and just think that maybe I'll never see this person again in my life"

"All the time, Your Highness"I answer. To be honest I was shocked that Ahsab thought that, he was still such a mystery to me.

He let out a light chuckle. Did he just chuckle? Not in a bitter way in a normal way. Oh my lord. I was perplexed. He exhaled smoke before he spoke. "I thought we were passed the formal name stage, Angel"

What was I supposed to say now?.

"You can call me by my first name"he sighs.


Ahsab checked his wrist watch and stood up from the bench and fixed his kufiyah. I guess it was time for his meeting. "I don't have any plan for the meeting, what the fuck am I going to do".

Well, I wanted to say. If you hadn't been drunk most of time, you would have figured something out. But then that would be cruel so instead I said what I wanted to hear if I was in his position and am sure that was what he wanted to hear too.

I watched as he fixed his bisht but it was obviously not worn well so I stood up. I decide to help him fix his bisht, I hope no one was looking, Allah please forgive me, I then spoke. "You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens."

The Prince's Heart.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें