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"Anan"I hear Mom yell from upstairs. My door was closed but her loud and demanding voice wasn't immune to my it. Thankfully, today was my day off so I could take the needed rest I deserved.

I stood up from my bed removing my headphones. I picked up my scarf and straightened my dress, since today was my day off the kitchen. I decided to, at least dress up. Key word: at least. I was wearing my favorite cream cream floral dress that I got from forever 21.

I placed my scarf on my head as I exited my room. Mom room was at the third floor and it was kinda stressful getting up since I hated using the elevator.

"Yes"I say as I entered her room.

"Anan, I hope you haven't forgotten our rules"she says in a serious tone and I knew she wasn't talking about my clothing . She was talking about last night.

What happened last night was buzzing in the Palace. Though no one dared to talk about it everyone wanted to. How did it happen? Why did the Crown Prince do that?. These were all the questions that were running through everyone's mind. But no one dared to speak. Yes, you couldn't even talk about it, if you tell anyone anything concerning the Royal family or talked about the Royal family with anyone except for the Royals it was a huge crime which was punishable by prison.

"I haven't"I answer.

"Good"she says looking down at her clipboard. She was probably planning something that concerned the kitchen. "Can you go and oversee what's happening in the kitchen?"

"But Ma.."I started to say but she cut me off.

"It's not like your cooking, get over it"

"Mom, it's my day off"I say matching her serious tone. The glare she gave me next causes me to swallow my words, if looks could kill I would have been six feet under.

"Get out Anan"Mom said. I roll my eyes at her tone.

Mom and I always stood against the other. I guess it was because of what happened. She sometimes blamed me for it and when she remembered she would hit me real hard. But then it doesn't matter because she hasn't done it in a long time. But I never really blamed her, it was my fault.

I exited Mumma's room and hurriedly went downstairs. I thought off changing but then I was only going to the kitchen and I would stay there. I could shower when I was done.

I arrived in the Royal wing in less than five minutes and in less than some seconds I was at the door of the kitchen.

"Hey"I say as I enter the kitchen. All heads to turn to my direction and I see my Aunts eyes widened.

"What are you wearing Ayesha"Mumma's younger brothers wife, Maryam asks.

She looked like she was about to explode, was what I was wearing really that bad. I knew I should have thrown on my uniform, if I was coming here.

"Ummi"My cousin Noor dragged "It's not like Anan's skin is showing"

"But we're not allowed to dress like this in public"Zaynab my cousin says annoyance laced in her voice. I wonder what does that girl has against me.

"Anan have you forgotten the major rule" Razan placed a hand one my shoulder.

How could I forget?

Servants weren't allowed to go out with anything otter than their uniform.

"I'm sorry"I say. I didn't know why I was apologizing. I just felt like I had to.

"It's fine. Just wear your uniform next time and help me with the rice" Maryam, says dragging me to the rice cooker.

ITS MY DAY OFFF. I wanted to yell but instead I just faked a smile causing Zaynab to snort.

She has a problem.

As I boiled hot water I hummed my favorite song. August Alsina ft Rick Ross Benediction. It reminded me of my Dad, involuntarily I dedicated it to him. The song was pretty old but it was mine for him.

I closed my eyes.

Started off in the streets
We would take collection from the fiends
People dyin' all around me
So I gave you my testimony
We were down from the beginnin'
When the world wasn't listenin'
Now that I got your attention
Let us in with the benediction
We are gathered here today
Paying our respects to bein' broke, hope he's in a better place
'Cause life out here ain't sweet, oh no
I would close my eyes to sleep but didn't dream no more
So I had to make a way for my home, you know
Now I'm in a place where I ain't gotta scheme no more
The good life, I'm done with the hood life
I did what I could but didn't always do what I should and I was misunderstood
So many nights I tried
To hide how I felt, I would cry inside
And I ran through the streets till my feet got tired
'Cause I ain't wanna have my shoes on them power lines
But I made it, and it made me
I know I did wrong, I prayed to God he would save me
'Cause I made it, it didn't kill me
So it made me stronger, I pray to God that you feel me, that you feel me...
Started off in the streets
We would take collection from the fiends
People dyin' all around me
So I gave you my testimony
We were down from the beginnin'
When the world wasn't listenin'
Now that I got your attention
Let us in with the benediction.

"Anan"Noor snapped me out of my singing. "What's up with you and when did you start listening to music or even sang"

Music was never my thing. I never listened to music, well no one around me really did. It was like we had time for ourselves.

Noor noticed I was not ready to answer her question so she handed me a cup of coffee. "Can you please help me take it to His Royal Highness Suhail. She says referring to King Abdulaziz's son. I collected the cup of coffee and exited the kitchen.

Who took coffee by this time?

Obviously crazy people or self absorbed people or people that were really sleepy or people t-

I was cut off my thoughts when a figure bumped into me and the Coffee spilled.

Holy Shit.

I start muttering the Shahada.

"Fuck"he muttered anger laced in his voice. His eyes grew dark as he stared as his white now brown thobe.

I didn't even care that me myself was affected by the spill. All I cared about was what I did. I was dead and who I did spilled it unto.

Where was I looking?.

I didn't realize I had already reached the actual corridor to the living room.

How did I just spill coffee on the Crown Prince of Mana.

The Prince's Heart.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora