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Salam guys!. I can't believe we're at 4K reads that's like almost 5K which is a half of 10K. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It means so much to me, as a thank you gift, I wrote an Ahsab POV. It was so hard to right, to be in Ahsab's mind was shitty, his thoughts are so jumbled up. I literally had to go to my other books and other books to check how to write a character like Ahsab's POV. Realized that all you needed was to calm down, understand you character and be in his head. Amazing right?.

Anyways thank you guys so so much. I love all of you.


                           Ahsab's POV.

I drag a smoke from the cigarette and lean my head back, exhaling it all out, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment and then open them to watch the smoke mix with the air and disappear into thin air.

My eyes fall on Osama, the deputy Crown Prince and as cliche as it sounded the only person who is worthy of the title of my best friend. I watch as he bought the shisha pipe to his lips  inhaled it then exhaled it through his nose.

As if he's sensing I'm watching him, he slowly raises his head and stares at me right in the eyes from a few meters away.

I let my lips stretch into a lazy smile and I nod at him. Then I crush the cigarette against against my thigh and smash it completely, lowering my gaze to see my white thobe darkly stained.

"What's up with you"Osama raises one eyebrow.

As the Crown Prince, I learn from the very beginning and the hard way that not everybody can be trusted. Everyone wants something from me. Those trusted friends I have, I keep.

I slowly shake my head indicating a nothing, it was nothing yeah.

At least that was what I was convincing myself.

But it was her.

That girl...I feel like there's no place I don't see her. She's everywhere I am. She's bothering the hell out of me for some reason. She just seems .... perfect. Too perfect. A little perfect around people, but she speaks back to me just fine. At first, she seemed like a shy girl that covers into herself anytime someone says something to her. I had fun playing with her.

She showed weakness and she was easily scared. But then something happened in-between and she grew somewhat stronger, she doesn't have any fear speaking back to me and sending me to hell. She acts like she's not afraid of me anymore, like she's just not affected. And I don't like that.

At all.

I want her trembling with fear every time she sees me, just so she knows she can't fuck with me. I don't want her anywhere near my business. There's something about her, something secretive and mysterious, she seems like  a shell of person, like she's hiding something- hiding herself. But I don't know from whom.

And I don't give two fucks.

She's working here, cooking for us- fine. That's enough information I need to know about her. She seems harmless so she doesn't bother me that much. Well, she's starting to.

Especially now that she's trying to involve herself in my business.

Enough. I had to stop my thoughts about her. It was pissing me off.

"Mate, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat"Osama gets up leaving his shisha pipe sprawled against the sofa.

I'm about to light up my second cigarette but I let it, I have had more than 4 today and if I'm not careful Osama's predictions will come true. My lungs will die.

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