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"Hey, it's Tristan."

"Oh, hi." 

"We're having a barbeque today at James' and Connor told me to ask you to come for his behalf. He's a bit busy."

"Oh um.."

"Please come. It will be fun. Bring a swimsuit. We're going swimming as well. Unless you want to swim naked."

"Okay okay."

"I'll text you his address."

So here I am, in front of James' front door, waiting for someone to open it, two days after Connor and my date. I heard someone shout "I'll get it" and soon, the door opened, revealing Tristan. His hair was flat on his forehead instead of the usual styled up, swept back look. It was weird seeing him with this hairstyle. He beamed at me and opened the door wider for me.

"Glad you can make it." He greeted me softly for some reason. I walked in, looking around the house. It was decent, wasn't what I was expecting. I thought his house was going to look like a pop star's but it was comforting to know that it was down to earth and warm. It was welcoming. "Okay, we're about to get into the pool. Do you have to change into your swimsuit?" He asked, “The bathroom’s right there.” He pointed to a door. I looked that way even though I didn’t need to.

“I’m using it inside. I can just take my shirt off. ” I told him and Tristan nodded.

“Let’s go then.” Tristan tugged my hand and pulled me to the glass door in the living room. He slid the door and the noises from the backyard entered the house. I recognised the voices, James, Brad and Connor. It seemed chaotic out there. Tristan pulled me out with him and sliding the door back closed behind us. There was a pool, two barbeque pit and the boys, who were running around chasing each other shirtless. They didn’t even notice us walking in. “Guys, look who decided to join us!” Tristan shouted, getting all of their attention. The boys’ laughing died down and soon, all of them were staring at me. Tristan stood next to me proudly. I gave him a look. He didn’t tell them I was coming. Most importantly, Connor didn’t invite me.

“Uh, hi.” I squeaked.

“Emma!” Brad pushed James aside and ran towards me, tackling me in a hug. I was taken aback by the impact. I patted Brad’s back a few times, chuckling awkwardly.

“We didn’t know you were coming.” James walked over slowly. Brad didn’t let go. “Brad, share her mate.” James said when he saw how uncomfortable I was. 

“No.” Connor spoke up from where he was. Brad stiffened then pulled away, standing next to me. James and Brad turned around, staring at him.

“What?” Brad asked, a faint smile appearing on his face. Connor shifted his weight between his legs for a while then spinning on his feet so he was facing the other direction.  He scratched his head roughly, messing up his blonde hair. Just saying, his gym sessions with James did a good job.  No to what exactly? Connor spun around and brisk walked to me.

“I said um… No. Emma, come with me for a sec.” He took my hand and pulled me back into the house. As soon as Connor closed the sliding door, the other boys started talking amongst themselves. I wasn’t blind, boys.

“Connor?” He dragged me up the stairs. Carpeted floors, hard to clean. His grip on my wrist was firm but not enough to hurt or bruise. Once we on the second floor, Connor went into the first room he saw, pulling me behind him and locked the door. He leaned against and rested the back of his head on it. His eyes closed, breathing heavy. Maybe from the march up the stairs. “Hey,” I placed my hand on his arm. “You okay?” I asked. Connor let out a long breath and nodded.

“I embarrassed myself.” He groaned, opening his eyes. “I don’t know why I did that. Why did we come up here?” I pulled my hand away and walked further into the room.

“I don’t know. You tell me.” I said, sitting on the dresser opposite him. Connor stared at me. His eyes then went all over my body, straight down and right back up. He met my eyes once more before looking down, biting his lip.

“So... here we are.” Connor spoke softly when we were standing outside our dorm. I frowned.

“You’re not coming in?”

“That’s a bit too soon, don’t you think?” He teased a smirk on his face. I gave him a straight look and unlocked the door while he laughed at his own words. “Emma.” Before I knew it, my lips were on his again. I did the 20 seconds of courage earlier, now it was his turn. This kiss was a little different. More forceful I would say and more intense. Connor bit my lip when he pulled away, then letting it go so it created this little pop sound which made me laugh.


“Huh?” I blinked. Connor looked at me funny, his eyebrows brought together but he was amused.

“Did you hear what I said?” He asked. I shook my head apologetically.

“Sorry.” Connor shook his head, pushing my apology away. He walked to me, spreading my legs so he could stand in between them. I was using a dress with a thin layer of stockings. I could basically feel his cold fingertips on them, my goose bumps appearing. 

“I said I miss you.” He whispered, snaking his arms around my waist. I don’t know if we were at the dating level yet but it sure felt like it. He was so straight forward today, it’s weird. Connor leaned forward, resting his forehead of mine. “I miss you.” He repeated but this time, I repelled from him, pulling away. The stench of liquor filled my nostrils and it was strong. He gave me a confused look and I scrunched my face up.

“You’re drunk.” 

“Mmhm. We all are.” Connor didn’t deny.

“But not all of them are all up in my grill, Connor.” I said, finding it amusing. What time was it again? Half past noon and they were all drunk already. I don’t ever drink and the smell is too much. Connor smiled at me and leaned his head on my shoulder. He doesn’t look and sound drunk.

“Say my name again.” He mumbled, burying his face in his neck. It was a whole new territory for me. I’ve never had a guy do that to me before. I gulped and thought, he’s drunk. He won’t remember any of my words tomorrow.

“Why, why are you drunk so early?”

“Cause I have been thinking.” He swallowed hard, lifting his head off of my shoulder and looked into my eyes. His eyes were a little bluer, with a hue of green, I don’t know. His eyes were deceptive and hypnotising too. “I’m leaving for tour… This coming Friday and don’t get me wrong, I’m ready. We practiced so much but I just got to kiss you, Emma…” His voice strained at the end. “And I have to leave already so kiss me more.” I laughed suddenly and he pouted.

“Not when you’re drunk. Your mouth stinks and the boys are downstairs.”

“So? Kiss me.” He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away. I want to, I really do but the smell is repelling.

“Connor…” I sighed.

“Go out with me tomorrow. I wanna take you somewhere.” He said, closing his eyes, hiding it from me.


“Fuck that.” He spat, emphasizing on the ‘F’, making me laugh again. Connor smile when he heard me smile.


“Skip one time, just for me.” He begged, showing me his puppy eyes. I laughed, and shoved his head away gently. I would skip class for him.

“You’re cute when you’re drunk.”

“Mm.” He agreed. Connor tightened his arms and brought his lips to my ear. “Take off your clothes. We’re going swimming.”

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