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Second day of school. Yesterday was tough. I wasn't lying to Emma. It's impossible to walk down the hallways without people recognising me. I got stopped plenty of times to have a picture taken with them or just for for a short chat. In the end, I was late to class. I told the Professor the actual reason why I'm late and she didn't buy it. Today, I'm in a white T-shirt, black jeans and my pair of brown shoes. I looked at the time. I had 30 minutes to style my hair. I walked to the only mirror we have in the dorm and started playing with my hair. I had the hair blower already plugged in so I can use it.

Halfway doing my hair, there was a knock on the door. "Door's open!" I shouted. Slowly, the door opened slightly followed by a cautious Emma, popping her head in. I watched her through the mirror, a smirk appearing on my face. Tristan told me what happened yesterday. To say she was traumatised is an understatement. He also said that she didn't know who he was. She didn't know who I was. That's refreshing. "Emma, what are you doing?" I asked. Her cheeks flushed immediately. Emma quickly walked in, shutting the door behind her. She avoided my gaze and went straight to her bed, sitting down on it to put on her chunky boots I love. I think those boots made her legs look longer and sexier. "I told Tristan to lock the door the next time he changes here. Don't worry." I told her while I styled my hair again. I used the hair blower to blow my fringe to one side, making it stay in place.

It's strange to live in the same dorm as a girl. When I told the boys my roommate was a girl they freaked. "Woah! Jackpot, Connor!" Tristan shouted, patting me on my back. I just rolled my eyes at them. Emma was different. From the very first time I saw her, I knew she was different. She isn't those girls who uses short skirts to flaunt her legs. Actually, two days of living with her, I've never seen her bare legs. I looked at her through the reflection on the mirror discreetly. She's using the same colours as me today. Her white flowy blouse which is kinda see through was off one of her shoulders, showing the small black spaghetti strap she used inside and black tight jeans. She's beautiful. Her long brown hair is slightly wavy. She doesn't need to do anything to it to make it pretty and the freckles on her cheeks make her look even more adorable. If only she's more comfortable with me. Right now, she has her guards up.

"Connor?" Emma called and I quickly looked away from her reflection. I cleared my throat before answering, messing with my hair to pretend I wasn't staring.


"How long are you gonna take?" Emma asked. I can feel her eyes on me now so I looked at her through the mirror. Her eyes are the perfect shade of blue.

"Do you wanna use the mirror?" I asked. Emma merely nodded. I smiled at her and waved her over. "We can share." Emma shook her head quickly.

"It's fine-"

"Come here." I cut her off. "Come on." I urged, moving to a side so Emma can have her space. She stood up hesitantly and walked over next to me. She looked at herself in the mirror then to me. I flashed her a small smirk and carried on pushing my fringe to one side. Emma is a little shy so staring at her would make her feel uncomfortable. When she thought I wasn't looking, she leaned forward abit and examined her face, her lips pouting slightly. She's adorable, can I just-


I was just thinking of biting her lips. That's not okay. Seeing Emma stand next to me in the mirror.. We look good together, I won't lie. She's tall. Or am I short? She's at my ear so the difference wasn't huge. Emma tossed her hair to the front suddenly, bending over a bit. She took all her hair together and using a hair tie, she tied her long hair in a bun after running her fingers through it a few times. I wish I could do that. She stood up straight. Her hair's already in a high bun on top of her head. She pulled out a bit of hair at the sides of her face.

Is it weird that I can just see myself staring at her everyday while she gets ready? Her eyes goes squinty when she takes in her appearance. "Um, you okay?" Emma asked shyly, her cheeks flushing red again. I really like that colour on her. It's then, I realised she caught me staring at her. I was frozen, just staring at her. I stopped styling my hair and I was just watching her. I nodded quickly, the first time I was lost for words in front of her. My own face got hot. I looked away and let out a nervous chuckle. I'm taking longer than usual to do my hair today. In the end, I gave up. I walked to my closet and took out a grey beanie, putting it on. I turned back around when I heard a soft giggle. I narrowed my eyes at the laughing Emma. "Bad hair day?" She chuckled. I sighed loudly. You have no idea, Emma. "Maybe you should get a haircut." She added, looking at herself in the mirror one last time. She walked over to her study table and packed her bag, taking out books that she didn't need. I watched her pack her bags yesterday and find it amusing that she's packing almost everything into her book.

"Do you think I'll look good with shorter hair?" I asked after awhile. Emma looked at me over her shoulder, a smile playing on her lips.

"I don't know." She answered frankly. She turned around, her bag in her arms, hugging it tightly. "I've never seen you with short hair before. But I won't know if you don't try it." I let out a laugh and looked down at my shoes, rubbing the back of my neck that's turning red, I'm sure. "I'm off. See you after." She waved at me and started to walk out of the room. I stopped her, of course.

"Emma?" She stopped right in front of the door and turned around. "All the best." Emma smiled and nodded but before she could turn around, I stopped her again. "I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch together later." I blurted out. Her eyes widened in shock and she blinked a couple of times.

"Uh.." I knew it, she had plans.

"But if you already have plans with your friends then it's okay." I rushed out. Emma shook her head quickly.

"No no, I don't have plans." She told me. Emma looked at her feet and shifted slightly. "I haven't made new friends yet." She added softly. What is she saying? I'm her friend. She already had one.

"I'm yours and you're joining me and my friends for lunch today. Do you have a phone?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and digged into her pocket, taking out her phone.

"I'm not lame. Of course I have a phone." She replied, slapping her phone into my hand. I chuckled and unlocked her phone. It's surprising that she doesn't have a password for it. I saved my number as Connor ♡ , deciding to be a little cheeky. I gave back her phone.

"Call me when you're out of class and I'll come to pick you up." I told her. She nodded with a smile, slipping her phone back into her pocket.

"I should get going then." Emma gave a small wave and walked out.

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