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My head was spinning, whirling, swimming, whatever. What should I do what should I say? Should I have it today or tomorrow or is that too soon? I should bring her out tomorrow. My legs carried me as fast as I could to our table. I didn't want to run, it would attract too much attention and I'll look dumb so I walked super quickly, my hands buried deep in my pocket. "So?" Brad asked for the second time today and this time I had a different answer.

"Yes!" I screamed, pumping my fist up in the air. The boys cheered and Tristan got up, patting me on the back.

"But nothing happened yet so sorry to burst your bubble, Connor." I glared at him and sat back down on my seat. Joyce, Emma's new friend was still with us and she's looking at me funny. I forgot she was still here. I flashed her an embarrassed smile and took my phone out, trying my best to hide my blush with it. I quicklime texted Brad.

Now Joyce thinks I'm a freak. I kept staring at him and when he looks back at me, I stared at his phone and he got it.

No she won't. He replies quickly, glaring at me a little.

She's gonna tell Emma that I'm in love with you.

Are you? I looked at Brad, staring at him merely so he backed off.

What should I do?

She won't. I'll talk to her ;)

Do not fuck with Joyce, Brad. She is Emma's friend.

Chill Con.

We went to class and Brad walked Joyce to hers, hopefully having that talk. In class, it was just the four of us. Tristan sat on my right and my left was James then Brad. Tristan and Brad can't sit next to each other. All hell will break loose. I couldn't focus on what the lecturer was saying. His voice blocked out. I shifted in my seat, facing James a little. "Psh James." I whispered. James nodded his head, his eyes glued to the screen, copying down notes. "James, I need advice." James looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"You? Advice?" He gasped softly. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Yes I need help okay." I eyed the lecturer. "When will be the right time to take her out? I mean, I don't want her to think I'm rushing things but I don't want her to think I'm not interested, you know? If I bring her out today, will she think I'm desperate?" I hissed. James looked at me weirdly. He swallowed a lump and raised his hand up.

"Yes James?" The lecturer asked, taking a break from the long lesson.

"Can we have a five minutes break? I really need to use the bathroom and get some water." He lied.

"Me too." I coughed. The lecturer rolled his eyes and agreed. Tristan and Brad cheered and James pulled me out of the class before they could talk to us.

"Why are you over thinking things?"

"I'm not. I-"

"You are." He cut me off. James placed his hands on my shoulders, leaning down to my height so we're face to face. "Connor, she agreed to go out with you. If she didn't like you, she won't lead you on."

"You don't even know if she likes me." I pouted. I swear I am, what is going on?

"Girls like Emma don't waste her time on boys, Connor. She likes you. That's why she's around you rather than off to herself at the back of the school. If you take her out today, she'll get nervous. She'll think it's too sudden but she'll be excited. If you take her out next month, you're making her wait too long so don't." He laughed a little and leaned back. "What I'm trying to say is be yourself. You'll know when is the right time." I frowned at her answer. How am I supposed to know? "But little advice, maybe tomorrow or Saturday?" He winked and walked back into the class.

After class, I went back to our dorm. The boys were waiting for me downstairs and I had to talk to her. Calling was different. I grabbed a cup of iced tea for her before and knocked on the door, then opening it. "Connor." She said, sounding surprised. She was curled up on her bed with a book on her knees. Her hair was in a ponytail on the top of her head, making her look cute and innocent. She was the most adorable girl I've met. "I thought you said you'll call?" A blush covered her cheeks a little. I smiled and handed her the iced tea which she took with a thanks. I sat next to her on the bed.

"I wanted to speak to you face to face." I shifted on her bed so I was sitting indian style infront of her. "You have a pretty face." She merely let out a laugh and hang her head making the ponytail drop in front of her face. "You have classes tomorrow so would Saturday be okay?" I asked her. She raised her head in surprise.

"O-oh, um.." She tucked a little flyaway behind her ear. "Saturday's fine." Her voice sounded so sweet.

"Great. I'll pick you up Saturday at 6." I told her and stood up, walking towards the door.

"Wait, you're leaving?" She called after me. I stopped and turned around.

"See you Saturday, Emma." I winked and left the room. The rest of the day we had practice and more practice the next day. Saturday morning, the boys wished me luck and I left to have things ready. I did not make any reservations. I think that would be too fancy and Emma would not enjoy that. Instead, I'm doing something I think she would love.

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