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Emma shifted the weight of the box on one arm while she struggled with the door with the other. She can't seem to fit the key in.

"Emma?" The door opened wide. A guy stood inside of the small dorm. "You need help?" He asked, smiling. He didn't wait for a reply. He carried the box from her arms easily and walked in, putting the box on a study table. Emma looked at the door number. 913. She checked her paper again. Room 913 Central. Maybe this isn't the Central block, she wondered. But how did he know her name? On the way up, Emma noticed that there's both girls and boys here but she didn't think that she would be sharing a room with a boy. What did she get myself into? Lee and Emma decided to go to the same college but they couldn't decide whether they're staying in the same dorms or not. Today when the twins were collecting the papers, they found out they weren't. Lee and Emma are identical twins. They do everything together. This would be the first time they're separated in anything. Emma wasn't sure how she could handle doing this alone. College is a big thing. "I'm Connor." He introduced himself, offering his hand for a shake. "Connor Ball." Emma shook his hand briefly.

"Emma Harris." Emma took in her surroundings, overwhelmed by this whole thing. The walls were painted white and it looks like there's a mirror right down the middle of the room. The left side is the reflection of the right. Two beds pushed to the wall on either side with a study table and a closet next to it. She couldn't see any sign of a toilet, so that's a bad thing. These dorms were small.

"So you're okay with that side right?" Connor asked, pulling her attention back to him. She looked at Connor again. Connor Ball. His hair is messy, blow dry styled hair. Spiky yet adorable on him. His eyes are a pretty shade of blue. A nose ring. Three necklaces and one that caught my eye. He's wearing a Deathly Hallows necklace. The one she had but she's not wearing it now. His wrists are covered with loads of bracelets. She nodded, answering his question but looking at him funny.

"You're my roommate? I'm sharing this dorm with you?" She asked, warily. Connor furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head up slightly.

"You're saying it as if you hate me." The look on his face made Emma feel guilty.

"No." She blurted out quickly. She took a deep breath and played with her bracelets. "Uh, you see I-I thought that I will be sharing dorms with a girl." Connor's features relaxed and he nodded slowly.

"Oh. It's co-ed. I hope you don't mind but if you're uncomfortable then I can switch. They can't force you to stay with me, can they?" He offered.

"It's fine. I just have to get used to it."

"You're a Potterhead. I think we will get along fine." Connor smiled, glancing at her wrist. She followed his gaze and realised that she had been playing with my Deathly Hallows bracelet. That's why she wasn't wearing her necklace. Emma flashed him a small smile and faced her back towards him, so she was facing the study table. She started to unpack her books, arranging them in an alphabetical order. After awhile, Connor broke the silence. "Do you mind if I play my songs?" He asked. She looked over her shoulder at him to see him lying down on his bed, looking right at her. She turned back around and shook her head.

"No, go ahead." She heard the sound of Connor unlocking his phone. An iPhone. She recognised that unlocking sound anywhere. She too was an iPhone user.

"What kind of songs do you listen to?" He asked again. Emma just shrugged. She am certainly not used to talking too much to a stranger, especially when he's asking questions about me. She pondered about it a little. Her favourite band popped up in her head but she was scared if he's gonna judge her so she came out with her safest favourite singers.

"Bruno Mars, Ellie Goulding." She answered, putting the empty box down. There wasn't much to unpack. She decided to unpack her clothes later.

"Do you listen to bands?" She does. Emma turned around and leaned against her study table. She watched his profile, it's quite decent.

"Like?" Emma asked, sounding dumb about bands. Connor squinted his eyes a little bit, thinking of an answer. Finally, he looked back at her.

"Bring Me or Blink?" A smile crept onto her face. Those were her two favourite bands as well. She knew right then that they will hit off well.

"I do."

"You do?" Connor asked, surprised. She merely nodded. "That's-" He sat up quickly and watched me from his side of the bed with an expression she didn't recognised but she know he's happy. "Wow."

A/N: So this is the first chapterrrrrr. It's short but I just want to let you guys know like what it is gonna be about, kinda. I'm trying something new so the next chapter will be in Emma's POV then the next is Connor's then Emma's then Connor's and so on so forth. So, if you like the story please, comment something, tell me you want me to continue with it.

Ash :) x

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